He's Impossible

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I went to the wall and banged my head against it in frustration. What is wrong with me? How could I let Aleu and the mate bond control me like that? Resisting that feeling was a lot harder than I anticipated. I'm so weak! And why is he so stubborn? My luck is shit. I let out a sigh as I turned my head and I noticed the window where the moon shined brightly in the night sky. I walked into the living room glaring out the window at it.

"Of course," I growled at it, "you did this on purpose, didn't you? Aren't mates supposed to accept the rejection?! But you just couldn't make it easy for me, could you? You just had to give me the broken one! Why do you hate me? Why are you doing this to me?"

"Well, I, for one, am thanking her," Aleu said jumping onto the sofa to sit and look out the window next to me.

"You aren't supposed to thank her!" I growled. "Don't you see she's trying to ruin us?"

"By giving us happiness?" Aleu questioned skeptically. "Then I hope she keeps it up!"

"Aleu, you know the danger," I frowned.

"I believe you think there is a danger," Aleu replied, "but I believe there's a reason we found our mate."

"Speaking of our mate, he mentioned something that confused me," I replied thinking back to what Eric had said. "He said something about official words. I had to reject him with some official words or something. Have you heard anything about that?" I noticed the way Aleu's fur seemed to spike up and stiffen, which was something it did when she felt uncomfortable or was hiding something from me. "Aleu..."

"You know what?" She said stretching out and yawning, "I better get some rest! Good night, Kat!"

"Aleu!" I growled as she quickly ran out of the room and booked it up the stairs ignoring me. Most of my mate information I learned from my father, but he never taught me about rejection. I relied on Aleu to gather that information and she always played clueless. I decided to hold off the fight for now as I went into the kitchen to begin cleaning and fixing what I could.

As exhausted as I was, even when I finished cleaning and cuddled up with Krissy in bed, I found that I could not sleep as I thought of those wolves from earlier. They were so close to home. Did they know where I live too? Would they ambush us in the middle of the night?

"Just sleep," Aleu spoke in the darkness, "I'll keep lookout." I watched as she hopped up on the windowsill and looked outside.

"Thanks Aleu," I whispered as I closed my eyes and let my mother and Krissy's heartbeats lull me to sleep.

* * *

I couldn't help but laugh as my Dad spun around fast and I clung to him tight as he gave me a piggyback ride to bed.

"And she crash lands," Dad said, spinning once again before letting himself fall back onto my bed gentle enough to not crush all his weight on me. I laughed as I released him and he sat up. "Alright, time for bed."

"Dad," I frowned.

"What is it, Adren?" He said.

"How long will you be out?" I asked.

"Well, that depends on how many rogues are out there," Dad shrugged, "now come on, settle in." He helped me lift the blankets as I slid under them.

"Well, you can't take too long, okay?" I frowned, "I need my Aline."

"Yes, Ma'am," he laughed as he put his hand on my head and ruffled my hair. "Now get some sleep." Before he could finish tucking me in, I sat up.

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