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Peter can be seen on the George Washington Bridge. He sat at the top in his suit with his mask off, in his hands. His hazel eyes which once shown with life was now a broken and dull color. The cold wind swept through his brown hair as he stared down at the water. 

He sighed as memories flashed through his head. He remembered how Doctor octopus took over his body. How the Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic 4 betrayed him and left him to dead. How all the other spiders said they didn't want anything to do with him. How his Aunt May kicked him out. And all of his failed relationships. 

All of these memories hit him all at the same time because this was his first time to relax ever since he became Spider-man. 

A loud SNAP, could be heard all throughout the city, followed by laughter. These sounds carried all throughout the city.

The citizens wondered what the sound was about, and the heroes didn't really pay attention to it because they were too busy partying.


The Avengers, X-Men, and Fantastic 4 were all at avengers' tower partying the night away. They were too preoccupied with themselves to even pay attention to the sound of the snap. Except for one person, Julia.

When she heard the snap, she felt as if something snapped in her and when she heard the laughter it sent chills up her spine. All the spider at the party, Miles, Gwen, Silk, Jessica, and Anya also heard the snap and unconscionably turned their head towards the sound.

Miles: What was that?

Gwen: I don't know?

Anya: And where did it come from?

Julia clutched her chest in pain and shouted out loud. Everyone turned to see her on the ground in pain. So rushed over to see if they could help her but she was squirming around.

Hawkeye: Oh my god. Is she having a heart attack?

Tony: No this is something else.

Julia continued to scream in pain before she suddenly stopped at shot up.

Julia: The web of life is in danger. Peter is in danger.

That was all she said before she ran out of the building.


The snap that was heard all throughout the city was Peters mind finally breaking after everything that has happened to him. A sickly smile crept onto his face as he started to laugh. His laughter got louder and louder before it suddenly stopped. As he was laughing something weird happened to him.

His hair changed from brown to white, while his eyes changed from Hazel to Red. The reason this happened was his mind broke in two, giving him a new personality. The personality was born due to his DNA trying to keep him sane but hold him together. So instead, it gave him a new one to handle the madness while Peter handled the sanity.

Peter? looked around at where he was.

Peter? realized that he was on the George Washington Bridge where one of Peter's old lovers, Gwen Stacy, was killed.

Peter?: Heh, this is the bridge that took her life. Wonder if it could take another.

Peter? slowly walked to the edge of where he was, only to be stopped by a voice in his head.

This voice was the original Peter.

Peter (thoughts): Wait don't do it, that's my body.

Peter? (thoughts): Your body, I think you mean it's our body.

Peter (thoughts): What no, this is my body that you're going to walk off the edge of a bridge.

Peter? (thoughts): Actually, I believe this is our body now. I'm a part of you know whether you like it or not.

Peter (thoughts): What! How did that happen? 

Peter? (thoughts): It happened because your mind broke. When you remembered all those horrible things that happened to you, your mind couldn't handle it so it created me.

Peter (thoughts): So that was the loud snapping sound.

Peter? (thoughts): Precisely.

Peter (thoughts): If that's the case what do I call you.

Arachnid (thoughts): Call me... Arachnid.

Peter (thoughts): Well it's nice to meet you then Arachnid.

Arachnid (Spider-Man to DC)Where stories live. Discover now