Chapter 1

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Arachnid is still on top of the bridge but is now sitting down with his feet over the edge. He ran his hand through his newly white hair.

Peter (thoughts): Now what do we do? Got any ideas?

Arachnid (thoughts): Actually I do have an idea. What if we join the villains.

Peter (thoughts): What, why would we do that?

Arachnid (thoughts): Well all the hero's hate us so why not join forces with their enemies.

Peter (thoughts): Yeah but they hate me as well.

Arachnid (thoughts): So let's just go to Hydra and tell them.

Peter (thoughts): Yeah great plan. Except they want to clone me and then kill me no matter what.

Arachnid (thoughts): Ok then, what if we go join Oscorb or A.I.M.

Peter (thoughts): Yeah why don't we go join groups who will kill me on first sight.

Arachnid (thoughts): So lets go to space and join Thanos.

Peter (thoughts): That won't work either. After ruining his plans to impress Lady Death he will definitely want to kill me first chance he gets.

Arachnid (thoughts): Well let's join the Sinister Six.

Peter (thoughts): Yeah my worst villains. Who wouldn't take their mortal enemy in. They want to torture me till they kill me.

Arachnid (thoughts): Well I'm out of ideas. What do you think we should do?

Peter, quote, sat in thought, unquote, for a while before coming up with a morbid idea.

Peter (thoughts): I can only think of one. And it was your first idea, killing ourself.

Arachnid (thoughts): ...Ok, let's do it.

Peter (thoughts): Hey can you give me back control. I want the last thing I do is killing ourself.

Arachnid (thoughts): Sure.

Arachnid stood up but as he did Peter came back and took over, changing his hair and eyes back to brown. 

Peter then made his way to the edge of the bridge. He took his mask and stuck a web to it and then put the end of the web to the bridge. He turned around and spread his arms out.

Peter: Great job New York, you finally broke me.

Those where his last words as he fell backwards letting gravity take him. As he fell Julia ran to the bridge and saw Peter fall. She thought he would swing away like always but when she saw him do nothing she knew what he was planning. 

Julia: PETER NOOOO!!!!!!!!

Peters body fell through the air as he heard the voice call to him, but he doesn't pay any attention to it. 

As he fell he flashed back to the few good memories he had. He remembered the few students he had and how they fallowed him. He remembered the few loves he had and how they actually cared for him before ultimately leaving him. The last thing he saw before he closed his eyes was a vision of his students smiling at him.

Peter: Be better then me.

And with that he closed his eyes and waited for the impact. 

Then suddenly the world turned black and white, expect for Peter, and time stopped. 

A golden portal opened in the time stop and a being came out of it. The being made it's way down to Spider-Man suspended in mid-air.

Being: Can't let you die yet man. You still have another adventure ahead of you.

The being then grabbed Spider-Man and flew into the portal with him.

Time then unfroze right as Julia stopped screaming. With tears in her eyes she waited for the splash to come. But it never did.

She looked up and saw nothing. She didn't see Spider-Man falling, nor did she see him fall into the water. Spider-Man had just disappeared right in front of her. 

Julia: W-Where did he go?

When she asked that she looked up and saw that Peter's mask was whipping around on the bridge in the dead of night.

Arachnid (Spider-Man to DC)Where stories live. Discover now