Chapter 2

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Peter opened his eyes and saw he was not dead. He was in fact in a room that looked like a library.

Peter: Where am I? Arachnid do you have any idea

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Peter: Where am I? Arachnid do you have any idea.

Arachnid(thoughts): Don't ask me, I'm just as confused as you.

Peter then started to walk through the library coming across multiple books. He traced his fingers over the books. He passed by multiple stories that captured his attention.

"The Silhouette by DauntlessEmperor." "The Flames of Betrayal by ToxicRhino." "The Black Gem by RSPBLiterature."

Those where just a few stories that had captured his attention. (A/N: Just giving out a few of my favorite stories and their authors.)

He kept walking till he reached a place that held a lot of chairs, tables, and beanbags. It was the sitting area of whatever library Peter was in. It was so quiet and peaceful Peter could hear his thoughts even Arachnid felt at peace here. But that was all ruined by the sound of a flip of a page.

Arachnid(thoughts): What was that?

Peter: I don't know, but it came from close by.

Peter made his was towards the flipping sound and saw a figure sitting at one of the tables reading one of the books. Peter stayed still as the figure kept reading. The silence returned as the figure kept reading.

Finally, the figure stopped reading and closed the book. The figure then put the book back on one of the bookshelves and Peter saw what the book was called. "Perfect Life by MarcRios6."

The figure then turns around and finally sees Peter.

Unknown Figure: *shocked* Woah where did you come from?

Peter: I don't know where the heck I am. Do you?

Arachnid (mind): Yeah, where the fuck are we?

Unknown Figure: Calm down Peter you too Arachnid. Where you are is in my library.

Peter: *shocked*H-How did you know my name? A-And how did you know A-Arachnid's name? A-And who even are you?

Unknown Figure: Well, my name is Griffin9000, but you can just call me Griffin.

Unknown Figure: Well, my name is Griffin9000, but you can just call me Griffin

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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