CHAPTER 7, bitter pills of fate

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CHAPTER 7, bitter pills of fate

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CHAPTER 7, bitter pills of fate


— Oh shit! — Phoebe screamed and hit the steering wheel as it started to rain. She couldn't be in a shittier situation than this.

It was early in the midnight, Phoebe was returning from her boyfriend's house, her car had broken down and the roof of her convertible wouldn't open at all, even though she was standing in the middle of an avenue, there was no one to help her. Her only solution was to run to the gas station on the corner and ask for help from whoever was there, and that was what she was doing now.

The bell rang inside the convenience store, Joey didn't look up to see who it was, just turned down the volume, listening to the footsteps of the customer's wet sneakers.

— You've got to be fucking kidding me — he heard the murmur of a familiar voice, as he looked up to see Phoebe, standing there, her clothes soaked and her face not happy. She looked so miserable that Joey wanted to laugh.

— What you want? — He asked, laughing at the girl's misery.

— Isn't there anyone else working here? — She asked, Joey noticed that she was shivering from the cold.

— Just me and...myself — Phoebe rolled her eyes.

— Thanks for nothing — she muttered before turning to open the door, ready to walk back out into the rain.

— Hey, wait! — Joey felt a drop of empathy for her and stood up, walking after her. - What do you need? he asked as he reached her.

— My car just broke down in the middle of the road and the roof won't go up — she explained as she walked back to the car, Joey wanted to laugh even harder as he remembered that he was the one who sabotaged the roof. — I need help getting it in a covered place, at least!

— I maneuver and you push — he said a little louder over the sound of rain falling on the marquee.

— Why do I have to push?! — Phoebe asked, she would have the hardest job.

— You own the damn car — Joey replied, he really wanted to laugh because of her face. - Let's go!

They ran to the car, Joey felt the raindrops fall like stones on his head, he jumped in as Phoebe leaned in to push, the whole situation got more difficult with the track and the wet bodywork, luckily the car was close of the gas station. It took them a few minutes to store the car under the porch, but in the end it was all right, Phoebe was grateful that there was nothing in the car that couldn't get wet, but the car should spend a lot of time drying after that.

Joey put on his spare clothes while Phoebe sat in a chair behind the counter, hugging herself and shivering from the cold, at first he thought it was funny, until her teeth started chattering and her mouth started to turn purple. So he did something she didn't think he was capable of: Be nice to her and hand her some towels.

— Thanks — she thanked a little uncertainly.

— I'm not doing this for you, okay? — Joey muttered, sitting down at his post again. — I just don't want to be investigated if you die.

— Awn, how cute, you already imagine my death — Phoebe said, ironically, as she wrapped herself in the towels. - I know you love me.

— Only in your dreams, Alice — he rolled his eyes.

They were quiet for a while, the rain didn't look like it would stop in a while, all Phoebe wanted was to sleep, but she was afraid Joey would try to kill her or something, so she forced herself to stay awake, listening to the music. that Joey was playing at ambient volume.

— It's a good album — Phoebe said, she was staring at the wall full of cigarettes so she wouldn't look at Joey.

— What did you say? — He crossed his brows.

De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas — Phoebe spoke the name of the album. — It's a good album, a shame what happened with the Dead and Euronymous.

— I didn't know you liked Mayhem.

— I like Black Metal a lot, I think it's my favorite genre — she scratched her throat and finally looked at him. — There are a lot of things you don't know about me, Nathan — her voice came out lower than usual.

— I used to know a lot — he replied in the same tone and looked back at her and they stayed like that for a few moments while Phoebe thought about what to say, but nothing came to her mind, so she just looked away.

And nothing was said for some time.

— So... where was you coming from? — Nathan asked, Phobe raised her eyebrows.

— From my boyfriend's house — Joey cocked his ears like a dog.

— Boyfriend? Who is it? — Phoebe hesitated a little before speaking.

— Luke — Joey chuckled.

— Luke Baker? Are you still dating that motherfucker? — She nodded. — Tsk, even though I hate you, I think you deserve better.

— He... He's not the same guy as before, after we broke up he changed a lot.

— People don't change, Phoebe, open your eyes.

Phoebe smiled and shook her head, looking indignantly at Joey.

— Why the fuck can't you be nice to me for a moment? — Joey crossed his eyebrows and shrugged. — Do you wanna know? Fuck you Nathan. You don't know what I deserve or not, you don't know anything about me anymore! — She looked outside, the rain seemed to be much lighter.

She was legitimately offended by the comment, not because it really offended her, but it was because he was right and she wouldn't admit it, Luke hadn't changed that much, in fact he even looked worse.

— Thanks for the towels, but if you're going to do something nice for me out of conscience, don't. In the afternoon I come to pick up my fucking car.

Phoebe rose from her chair, walking to the door. She wanted to stay there, enjoy the warm space than walk into the rain again, but out of her pride, she walked out the door, her luck was that now it was just a thin drizzle, she must have walked about 30 minutes before reaching home, change clothes and crawl under the sheets in anger.

While at the station, Joey tried not to think about it until the end of his shift.

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