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I guess people would say I was quite feminine for a boy. That's all the muggles said to me and that didn't change when I had started at Hogwarts. Maybe it was my starved skinny body or the fact I wasn't straight. Whatever it was I can't think of a day I wasn't bullied for it.

But here is the real banger, the thing that this sorry little story you are about to read is about, I have a crush on all 3 people who are Ron, Draco and Blaise whom also all are dating each other and have seemed to make it clear that they aren't interested in having anyone else in their relationship.

I wished I had asked Ron out about 2 years ago before he had joined their relationship, then I might of had a chance. But that chance is forever gone.

And now I have the holidays at the weaselys with all of Ron's boyfriend's there, and Hermione.

Currently Fred, George and I are sitting out on the grass, they have their joke box open and are trying to convince me to drop something into Draco's mouth in his sleep.

"I'm not doing that" I mumbled, as I rolled over on to my back and let the sun soak into my face

"Come on mate!" Fred said nudging me

"Or we will tell a loud mouth ginny about your little crushes on your room mates" George whispered

"I'll murder the both of you if you dear breathe a word!" I hissed sititng up to glare at both of them. They smirked

"Thennnn tell them your self." Fred said smiling

"Or. Put this into Draco's mouth." George said handing me a bright yellow tablet, the size of a finger nail.

" No and no." I mumbled

"You're no fun" they mumbled. I rolled my eyes and got up

"I'm going to go take a nap" I announced

"If they aren't fucking" George mumbled.

I walked in and they were all cuddled together talking in a whisper, but when they heard the door open they stoped talking and Ron sat up to look at who had come in.

"Knockings a thing you know harry" he mumbled with a smirk

"I'm to tired to know what you're saying" I complained as I flopped onto my bed with a groan

"Seen ya with the twins, from where I was standing looked like fred has his eyes on you" blaise said with a smirk. I groaned

"To bad I like someone else" I mumbled

"AND WHY DONT I KNOW?!" Ron yelled

"Shut up dork I'm trying to sleep" draco mumbled at Ron angrily

"ShUt uP iM tRyinG tO sLeeP" Ron mimicked. I laughed a little

"Well you never asked who I liked so I never told you and I'm not about to even if you do. Now I agree with draco and shut up" I said simply rolling over so my back was to them.

"You didn't hug me goodbye!" Fred said coming into the room. I sighed and got up, giving him a half hearted hug.

"Play along" he whispered in my ear. Before I had a chance to even process what he had said he picked me up and threw me gently onto my bed before laying beside me

"At least give me cuddles" he whined loudly. I decided to play along with whatever he is doing and turned around so I was face to face with him and cuddled into his chest

"Go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up." He said softly, but loudly so everyone in the room could hear.

I did just that. Being in the arms of someone is so comforting.

polyamory potter // Harry Potter fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now