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"so basically we want you to slowly get into the relationship, we thought going with draco first would be a good idea and then either Ron or myself. It's probably what's best and it gives us all time to go at a slow pase and so we are all comfortable and you'll be able to leave anytime you want, of course we don't want you to but you can do whatever you want. And no kissing anyone that isn't our of us. That would be considered cheating unless you talk to all of us about it days beforehand" Blaise ranted.

My brain was all fuzzy but before I knew it draco was in my bed with his arms wrapped around me.

"Harry! Are you awake?" Ron whisper yelled at me.

"Yeah! I can't sleep my stomach is going mental!" I whisper yelled back. He laughed.

"That's how I felt for the first 6 months with them!" He replied. I giggled. Draco's arms tightened around me.

"He's a clingy one!" Ron mumbled with a idiot smirk in his tone. I laughed and this woke draco up

"Can you two shut up I'm trying to sleep" he grumbled and turned around so his back was to me. I frowned

"Hug me" I demanded in a sad tone. He didn't move

"Fine I'll go and see if I can find Ginny's cat. She liked cuddles with me" I said jokingly angry and moved the blankets out of the way so I could get up. He didn't move. I frowned and left the room.

Ginny's cat, pickles, was sat on the end of Ginny's bed. Gin was still up reading a book

"I'm here for pickles" I said as I had walked in. Dont worry I had knocked first.

She laughed and nodded

"She loves you more than she loves me anyway"

Instead of going back to my room I sat on the couch. Pickles in my lap. I yawned and closed my eyes.

"I thought you said you were getting that cat and coming back" draco said from the bottom of the stairs. I giggled

"I never said I was coming back" I replied

"Come back" draco begged

"You didn't give me my cuddles" I grumbled. He laughed

"If you come back to bed in the next 10 seconds I'll give you a little more than just those cuddles" he offered. I immediately was on my feet and running up the stairs. I heard him laugh to himself behind me as he followed me up. He pushed me onto my bed and got in next to me. He immediately went for kissing my neck, there is no way there isn't a hickey left.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you you're cuddles princess" he whispered as he kissed my collarbone.

"Can I have them now?" I asked, wrapping my legs around his waist

"Can I have a kiss?" He asked. I nodded frantically.

His lips were so soft. So addictive. The moments we have kissed haven't felt long enough

"Goodnight my beautiful boy" he whispered as he got comfortable, one arm underneath my neck and the other around my waist. His eyes slowly drifted closed. I cuddled into his chest. Wrapping my arms around his one arm that was on top of me. I heard him laugh lightly and I felt a soft kiss to my forehead

polyamory potter // Harry Potter fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now