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(little smut)

I couldn't find Draco, Blaise or Ron. it wasn't long after lunch and ginny had me helping her with designs for her ball dress. now I wanted to take a nap but I wanted someone to cuddle to help me sleep.

"still haven't found them?" Fred asked, giving me a fright.

"ahem... no..." I mumbled looking down.

"harry I really want to apologize-"

"no Freddy I need to thank you. if you hadn't of done that.... I probably would be nowhere with them. in your own fucked up way you actually helped a lot." I said cutting him off. he smiled

"HARRY" gin screamed. I sighed and walked back in the house.

"I need your opinion- oh I'm sorry is something wrong?" she asked. I shook my head

"he's missing his boyfriends" George said as he walked past us.

"I might just go take a nap gin if that's okay? I promise I'll sit with you and talk about it more over dinner?" I said . she seemed more than happy with that so I left for my bedroom. they weren't even in here. probably regretting everything already. I got into my bed and tried to ignore the smell of Draco's shampoo, Ron and Blaises cologne. I somehow had managed some sleep soon enough.

"harry" a voice whispered shaking me awake.

I groaned and turned away from them. I felt a kiss on my cheek as two arms wrapped around me. I turned back around and looked up to see Blaise smiling down at me. I closed my eyes again and snugged into him.

"you've slept all day, molly has dinner ready" he whispered softly. I looked up at him again.

"where were you guys today?" I asked softly. he frowned

"we were in the basement. did nobody tell you?" he asked. I shook my head

"I'm sorry love" he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"are you hungry?" he asked. I nodded.

"let's go get food" he said getting up

"I don't wanna" I complained. he left. I sighed and closed my eyes again, but the door opened and them many more arms were wrapped around me.

"come on darling" draco whispered and kissed my cheek

"we are sorry we didn't come get you" Ron said holding me tightly. I hugged them extra tight as I opened my eyes

"bring food up here??" I asked Ron. he smiled and picked me up

"sorry but I don't want to be yelled at by anyone, I'm to tired"

"if you don't put me down and bring my food to me I'll be the one yelling at you" I replied. he just laughed and carried me out of the room in his sexy strong arms. infact all of dinner all I could think about and look at were Ron's arms. they were so muscular and sexy!

as soon as everyone was asleep I walked over to Ron's bed that he was currently in by himself, Blaise and Draco were cuddled together on the other spare bed. I lifted the blankets and grinned when I realized Ron was shirtless. I let my hands travel along his arms and his chest.

" 'arry what are you doing?" he mumbled waking up.

"oh nothing just admiring" I whispered back as I kissed his shoulder

"watch it or you'll regret it" he mumbled again. I grinned and kissed his chest. his eye opened and he looked down at me. I kissed his shoulder one more time and suddenly he was on top of me. very awake now.

"what do you want?" he asked. I smiled

"to feel my boyfriend's abs" I replied. I moved my leg and realized... he was hard. I smirked

"don't tell them whatever you do" Ron said quickly.

"I wanna....umm... fix it?" I said, not as confident as I planned. he smirked

"oh and how so?" he asked. I pushed him so I was now the one on top

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Ginny suddenly yelled from the door frame. Ron's hands had just been placed on my ass and were about to pull my pants down. it was more than obvious what was about to happen.

he yelling had woken the other too up.

"ahh.. nothing?" I mumbled looking away and not making eye contact with anyone. ginny didn't leave

"fuck off" Ron yelled at her. she rolled her eyes and left slamming the door.

"I'm so embarrassed" I said letting my head fall onto Ron's chest.

"you're telling me that was about to happen and I wouldn't be awake to even watch?" draco asked raising an eyebrow

"I agree. I would wanna watch and imagine myself in Ron's position. next time let me know" Blaise agreed. I blushed

polyamory potter // Harry Potter fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now