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I hadn't been able to sleep that night. Draco had glared at me like he had all the way back in first year and it scared me. I couldn't sleep, they hated me now and it's all because I agreed to Fred's stupid plan!

Right now we were all sat around the table for breakfast, the only people who weren't here yet were fred and George.

"Hello ba-"

"Don't fucking talk to me" I snapped at Fred as he walked in. He sat next to me and looked at me

"Hey last night was a joke-"

"No it wasn't! I thought you wanted this whole fake dating thing! Why did you go and say that last night?! Why would you do that when this whole stupid fucking thing was your idea! You're stupid fucking idea!" I yelled. This got the attention of everybody.

"It was fake?" Ron asked. I didn't reply, I was to busy looking at the hurt and shocked look on Fred's face.

"Harry... I..." Fred stumbled over his own words and couldn't talk.

"And now draco fucking hates me! What was your whole plan actually? I mean you're a fucking prankster why did I trust you-"

"Harry stop" fred begged cutting me off.

"Both of you cut it out now! Don't ruin another good day" moly snapped. I got up and went back into my room ignoring ginny begging me to stay and the angry, but upset look on Draco's face.

Nobody came into the room for hours, don't get me wrong I loved it. I didn't want anyone talking to me.

But of course my lovely day was interrupted when the door opened. Whoever it was didn't talk but I heard the door shut and I felt them sit down on my bed, I ignored them and kept my back towards them and the door.

"I don't hate you" the person said, it was draco. I didn't reply and kept my eyes on the wall

"Do you think you might want to come down and talk to Fred? He's really upset-"

"I don't care" I mumbled. He sighed and placed his hand on my shoulder

"Im sorry I made you feel like I hated you. That was the last thing I wanted I wanted to show you I was upset but harry I could never hate you" he said.

I rolled over to face him and let him hold my hand. 

We sat like this looking each other in the eyes for sometime.

"Do they know you're up here?" I asked. He smiled and nodded

"They have me permission to even try date you" he said with a smile. I smiled back, my stomach overwhelming me with butterflies.

"I ahh... I'll take my leave now" he mumbled.

"No!" I almost yelled grabbing his hand. He turned around and smiled at me. I slowly pulled him towards me, he let himself be pulled and soon we were positioned, me underneath him and him on top of me. He smiled and slowly moved down towards me. I stoped him

"This feels... I feel like you're cheating on them..." I whispered. He shook his head

"They said I could do whatever I want with you." He whispered back. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Mm you should do that then Malfoy... Do whatever you want" I whispered. He smirked and lent down, kissing me softly. He started to pull away

"No no no" I mumbled and pulled him back towards my lips. He laughed onto my mouth before pulling away.

"Well... I think this means we need to talk with Ron and Blaise. The three of us had a little plan but we need you to be okay with it first" draco said

"What?" I mumbled

"You'll see, right after dinner I think we can all go for a little walk" he said with a smile before getting of me and leaving the room.

polyamory potter // Harry Potter fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now