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"morning" Ron whispered as he played with my hair. I smiled and hugged him tighter, feeling Blaise move on the other side of me. I rolled over and seen he was still asleep. I smiled and kissed his cheek before turning around to face Ron again.

"you're so beautiful harry did you know that?" he whispered. I felt my cheeks go a light pink and I cuddled into his chest. he laughed and kissed my forehead.

"we should get packing today harry, although Blaise will try put up a fight not to don't let him trick you into packing his bags okay?" Ron whispered laughing a little. I smiled and sighed turning to lay on my back.

"have I done something wrong to draco?" I asked in a whisper as I stared at the ceiling.

"oh harry not this again." Ron said quietly as he stared at me. I sighed and looked at him.

"Ron.... I would die for that 'half hearted' hug. he didn't even look me in the eyes. I just... want him to like me like you do" I whispered. ignoring as Blaise moved, his arm falling around my torso, still fast asleep.

"when I first got with draco he wouldn't touch me. he would say I looked cute or that I was handsome, he would put the food on my plate at dinner, he would go on walks with me but he never made eye contact or touched me, not until I sat him down and told him I couldn't stay with him like that. that things needed to change. I think that's just who Draco is. I mean look at how he was raised, he has come a long way from how he was raised to behave. I think he was scared. I know I keep repeating this same thing over and over but I think seeing his father and hearing what his father had to say put him in a state of panic. If it makes you feel any better, first day back at Hogwarts, on the train, I'll go talk to him and see what he has to say okay?" Ron replied. his voice full of care.

"okay... Im sorry I know he wasn't himself once his father got here it was just scary. it reminded me of before we even knew him, when he hated me-"

"he never hated you" Ron said cutting me off. I looked up at him confused.

"he's admitted to me that he liked you from the second his eyes meet yours. but, he had grown up thinking you were, well what his father said. so he was confused and wanted the feeling to go away, and for some reason that resulted in him bulling you" Ron said, followed by a small laugh. I felt a small smile force it's way onto my face.

"wake Blaise up, we should get an early start packing and cleaning the room so mum doesn't yell at us" Ron said kissing my forehead and getting up.

"where are you going?" I asked sitting up on my elbows

"see what's for breakfast" he said with a light laugh as he pulled a shirt over his head and threw me his sweater. I smiled and put it on and waved him out of the room.

I kissed Blaises cheek a couple times, and then his nose but he didn't move. I smiled and shook him lightly and his eyes slowly opened.

"mm what? it's early" he mumbled wrapping his arm around me and pulling me close.

"Ron's broken" I whispered. at his Blaise raised an eyebrow.

"how's he broken?" he asked.

"he wants to get up early and start packing" I replied looking up at him. Blaise let out a light laugh

"he'll be wanting no delays to see Dray that's all. I'm guessing we have to get up now?" he mumbled.

"well we are supposed to but I want to cuddle for longer" I replied pulling myself closer to him. his chest moved as he laughed and he kissed the top of my head.

"you're so adorable Harry.... god you're to much" he mumbled and soon I could tell he was asleep again. I smiled and closed my eyes but soon was woken up again by Ron

"come on you lazy gits" he said almost angrily.

"yeah yeah we are coming" Blaise mumbled. I sighed and kissed Blaises lips before getting up.

Blaise and I raced downstairs to see Ron holding a letter in his hand. we walked over to ask what it was but Ron passed it to me without a word. I took it, allowing Blaise to read over my shoulder.


My Dearest Harry,

I am greatly sorry for how I treated you before I left. I had no right to talk to you like that, let alone leave without saying goodbye. Once I leave for Hogwarts I have promised father that is the last time he will see me. I can't call it running away really, mother is going to help me find a place, where I can call it a home, and you if you wish, considering I'm not letting you go back to those muggles.

Tell Ron and Blaise that I miss you all greatly. I can't wait to see you again in a couple of days. I hope you all can forgive me for my actions.

Lots of Love,


polyamory potter // Harry Potter fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now