Chapter 9

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Cass's P.O.V

"Holy shit!" i say as we get to hospital

"Like the ride eh" Dave says as we get out

"I'm sorry Cass but you throw up at random times but yet when Dave drove the car you didn't even go once?" Nat asks

I burst out laughing

"Are you kidding me that was the best ride of my life!" i say happily laughing still

"Are you going to wait here or go somewhere till we need you again?" Michele asks him

"I'll stay" Dave says

We walk in and Michele does all the talking, Alex grabs my waist and i lean on him, Nat sits on the chair

"Hopefully i don't need to talk" i say quietly to Alex

"Maybe not they might just give you the test" Alex says back

"Okay lets go in the room" the nurse says to me

"Just me?" i ask scared

"Ms. Mahone, your sister and your boyfriend are coming i don't know about this gentlemen" she says pointing to Dave

"Its alright i'll just stay here" he says telling us

I smile at him and he smiles back, the four of us plus the nurse walk to the room shockingly we don't have to wait for hours for the doctor because shes already in the room

"Afternoon Cassidy take a seat in the chair" she tells me

I nod my head and sit on the seat

"Hello Cassidy my name is doctor Trinity how are you today?" she asks

"Been better" i reply back

She chuckles

"Ms. Mahone tells me that you haven't been yourself?" she asks

I nod my head great i'm going to have to talk...

"I haven't been feeling the greatest, i'm becoming more moody, i threw up twice today and i forget when i had my period, but i highly doubt i'm pregnant but now i'm scared" i tell her looking away

She writes stuff down and looks up at me

"It may still be to early to tell but i will give you a test, are you still a virgin?" she asks

"Yeah" i reply back

"I'll just be a sec" she says nicely

She walks away and i look at everybody

"God i hate this" i mumble

"It'll be okay Cass" Nat says smiling to me

My phone buzzes

Austin😜: anything new?

Me: no she just gone to get the test..

"Tell Austin not to touch the water in the fridge its mine" Alex says

Me: AC says not to touch the water in the fridge its his

Austin😜: maybe😏

The doctor comes back

"Alright here it is, the washroom is just to your left" She says nicely

I grab the test from her and do a little smile. Well here we go... I do what i need to and wait

Bae❤️😍: hows it going?

Me: still waiting...

Bae❤️😍: whatever happens happens:) i love u

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