Chapter 23

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Cass's P.O.V

"Do you want anything to drink? I'm going to get something" i tell Nat

"From where?" She asks

"I don't know if i go to StarBucks i'll need money" i reply dryly

"Ask Zach to give you money" she replies

"Money for what?" He asks coming up from behind Nat

"Money to give to Cass so she can get StarBucks?" Nat asks

"Sure and while i'm at it i'll just go and give fifty bucks to a random person" Zach smirks

"It'd be a good thing to do" Alex says beside me

"Yo dude which side are you on?" Zach asks dryly

"The one where i don't have to use my own money" he replies back

I laugh and Zach shakes his head

"What size are you going to get?" He asks

"Here you get money for you and Natalie and i'll pay for Cassie and i" Alex says

"You sure?" Zach asks

"Yup" he replies

"I'm going with you" he adds to me

"Kinda figured" i chuckle

"You can take the car just can't dirty it" Nat says laughing

"Funny" i mumble

"It would be faster" Alex points out

"Alright Mahomies just going to take a quick five minute break i'll be back before you know it" Austin says

"Lets go tell him whats up" Zach says

We quickly run backstage to see him taking sips of water

"Whats going on?" He asks

"Can we take your car so we can get StarBucks?" I ask him

"Yeah" he chuckles

"You know what to get me?" Nat asks me

"Yeah" i reply dryly

"Just please be carful with her i just got her redone not to long ago" Austin says running to the stage

"We will!" Alex and i yell back

"Whose driving?" I ask

"Do you?" He asks

I think for a second

"Nah you can" i reply smiling

We get in and he starts driving

"Wait how about booster juice?" I ask

"I don't know where that is" Alex says

"Could be around the same place StarBucks is" i reply

We pull into the plaza and we see Best Buy and bunch of other stores till i spot Booster Juice

"Over there" i point out

"Should we park and walk?" He asks

"Yeah" i reply

We start walking towards Booster Juice, we walk in and stand in line.

"What can I get yeah?" The cashier asked

"Three Strawberry sunshine and three Mango Hurricanes" Alex says

"Is that all?" He asks

"Yeah" Alex replies

He pays and the guy starts the blenders

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