Archive Ten

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Chapter Name: Sol Pt II
1 week before - 3rd Person PoV

A white eastern dragon walked through a pitch black sea, wich extended itself to the horizon. The sky was a dark shade of gray, and there was no living being except for the dragon.

Suddenly, the dragon stopped. He was looking at the black water, and lowered his head, and started drinking the water.

"Fear." The dragon said. "Do not be afraid, I am your friend."

The infinite black sea became deeper, and the white dragon started to sink to the bottom.

"I'll be with you, if that's what you want." The dragon said again, and the black sea engulfed him with water.

The surface of the sea was silenced. And the bottom of it wasn't visible anymore.

But suddenly, the black water turned red, right where the dragon was. And his corpse floated to the surface. No, it didn't float. The sea threw it away.

A withe claw picked the corpse, and cut it in half, and a mouth started to eat the corpse. It was the same dragon the sea had killed moments before.

The sea was angry. Waves started to appear and the bottom was deeper than was ever before. But the dragon wasn't sinking this time. He was fine.

"Come." The dragon spoke, and a pitch-black dragon appeared, the sea dried, revealing a white ground, and the blood of the previous dragon.

The black dragon started roaring, and tried to kill the withe dragon, but while he was running, one of his legs dissipated.

"I cannot give you the body you wish to have, but I can still help you. We need you." The withe dragon said. "Call me Nexy."

Nexy started to float, and the black dragon fell to the floor.

"I- I just want to..." The black dragon said, with his weak voice.

"Be alive? I will help you." The black dragon looked at Nexy, and started to cry white tears.

Nexy descended from the skies, and touched the dragon's head, and the dragon vanished. Leaving a pink fox behind.

"This is all I can do for now, you will have to be a human for the time being in this Tundra, foxes don't like other fox races on their area." Nexy said to the fox. "From now on, you will be named Sol."
Present Day - Sol PoV

"You know, being on your mind for one week wasn't the best thing I could have done in my life." I said to Yuki, the man who occupied my body. "Why did you read that... Menga things? It didn't made sense."

"Did you read it from left to right?" Yuki said, while looking at his cut off tail. "And can you stop taking my tail with you? It make me feel.... naked."

"I was supposed to read from left to right? Oh, that makes sense." I sit down, looking at my human hand. "And it's my body, I can do whatever I want."

"It's mine now Sol, I know you're angry about it, but you don't own it anymore. Please, just accept it-"

"Fine! Take your fucking tail, I don't need it right? I'm not a badass dragon who is from another world and knows everything." I threw a mana orb and got out of the room, slamming the door.

I don't understand why he feels so... ugh, I can't even think. Why Nexy follows his orders? I am better than him. That was my body! I don't even know my dad! I just got out of that prison because they need me, but when I'm useless, they will just kill me.

Why? Why me? I wasn't even born propely... why I need to suffer this much?

I got lost in thought and I found myself on the same room with Yuki again, I was about to leave again, but before I opened the door.

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