Archive One

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I'm feeling a little bit itchy.

I'm constantly scratching behind my ears, my legs and even my wings. And the feeling just gets worse.

I could ask mom or dad about it but... I can't even talk propely. How could I ask something to them?

It's a bit warmer inside here too...

"You're growing fur alerady? Huh..." Dad spoke behind me.

I turn my gaze to him, and then to myself... and yeah, I noticed fur in between my scales.

It's good having fur, not gonna lie...

"So... who do you like more? Dad or Mom?" Dad asked a... strange question. I'm just one week old...

I remained silent. Staring at his green and cold eyes. It's tempting to say I like mom more than dad... but I will take the safe route.

"Dad and Mom!" I said.

"Oh, that's how it will be huh? I see... you just don't want to hurt your mom's feelings. Of course." He said,  confidentily incorrect

Some minutes passes by and nothing really happens. I just explored the cave, but the only thing I can find is dust.

For a dragon family, we are pretty poor. In books of my world, dragons were a greedy beast that would seek money and beauty for them, like gold and, for some unknow reason, stealing princess. This isn't the case here, I think. We don't have anything valuabe.

Speaking of things that I think I know about dragons, every history that had dragons in it, there was magic too...

"Dad, what is the thing that mom shoots of her mouth?" I asked, trying not to be suspicious about knowing what magic is.

"Do you mean the Ice breath?" I noded. "That's a Ice dragon's common spell."

"S...pell?" I asked about the word.

"A spell is the name of a magic. It's... I... wait..." He said while looking at the floor. "I- I don't know either, I forgot the meaning of the word..."

"I think it's the... age?"

"Your mom told to say that, didn't her? You didn't even know the word age yesterday!"


After that, I knew that magic is real, but... how do I use it? Do I have to sense a thing inside me? Do I need to have mana like that type of games?

I opened my mouth and tried to summon Ice breath, but nothing happened.

"Do you want me to teach you?" Dad asked, I simply nodded. "Okay, so, there's a thing inside your belly" He said while pointing a claw to my belly. "It's called mana pool."


"Yeah, it's a mana reserve. You can only hold a little bit, but if you train, you can expand it's limit. To use your mana, you need to cast a spell. And to cast a spell, you need to think about it." He started explaining to me. "Remember, you don't control mana, you just tell her how to behave."

"O...kay." I said, I'm not sure if I can do this anymore.

"So, imagine a ice beam coming from inside your mouth, try to say to your surroudings to make that happen. And then..."

He shoots an ice blast onto one of the cave's wall.

"You make it seem easy."

"Well, it is easy, we are dragons after all..."

"Our species is one of the strongest?"

"Woah, when did your mom told you these words?" He asked with a surprised tone.

"I'm not a dumb baby!" I said."You didn't awnser my question."

"Oh, right. Dragons are actually the strongest species. But that doesn't mean that we can't be killed..." He paused for a moment. "Your grandpa, my father, died. A human killed him just one day before you was born."



I didn't even meet him, but I felt... sad.

"I-I'm sorry, that's too much for a child. Forget that..." he left the cave without saying anything more.

I guess that still hurts to him... of course it hurts! He died a day before I was born.

》》》》》》 Timeskip - 1 day...

I woke up and instead of seeing Mom, I saw Dad.

"Good morning snow..." He said, with a tired voice.

"Dad? W-Wheres mom?!" I said, didn't noticing the concern in my voice.

"She's hunting for food. Why did you ask...?"

"Nothing..." I go to a pond of water to look at myself.

I have fur and feathers... and scales. That's... unexpected.

I thought that you can only have fur and feathers or scales only, not both.


I'm bored.

There's nothing to do here, I don't know how to use magic, and I'm a child!


"What was that?" I asked Dad.


"Oh! Your sibling is hatching!" Dad said while staring at one of the eggs.

The egg shell broke and revealed another white dragon, with blue eyes and a large tail.

"It's my sister or my brother dad?!" I asked.

"It's a female dragon." He said. "Isn't this little girl cute Yuki?"

"I guess it is." I said.

"Now, does she have ice resistant scales?" Dad shoot an Ice breath at her, and nothing happened. "It does! Great, two in a row."

"Isn't that supposed to happen with every egg?" I asked with my gaze fixed in my new little sister.

"No, some of them don't have them. And we need to well... how can I say it"

"You kill them?" I said. "You don't need to hide that to me, dad..."

"Yes, you are very clever for a hatchling" Dad said, and put my newborn sister in front of me. "Well, I'm not good with names, I only gave you your name because you're my first son, and I've thought for years of a male dragon's name, so, what about you name your sister?"

"Hm... what do you think of Lumi?" I said, looking at her scales.

"That's a good one." He said while sitting down

"Hello Lumi." I said, while staring at her eyes.

"He...llo." She said.

"Oh, it's a fast learner too." Dad said.

I like that I have a sister now, I never had one in my previous life. Her scales are shiny... and she alerady has fur. I think she's more mature than me.

Short chapter bcause I'm not home, sorry.

That Lightning Strike - A Dragon IsekaiWhere stories live. Discover now