~Chapter 3~

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After leaving the headmasters office, Minerva headed back to her living quarters while Severus left for his. School was in session, so students were walking through the halls. All though curfew was coming up quick, in about 10 minutes, many students were still out in the halls. So as head of Slytherin house, Severus sent every one of his children back to the common room.

Once seeing how many students were out in the halls, he decided to a quick round through the school to make sure none of his children lost any house points. He also used that time as a chance to let off some steam before heading back to his quarters.

After taking some time to talk about classes with some of his favourite students, he finally headed back to his living quarters.

He walked into his small kitchenette to make a cup of tea and grab some biscuits to snack on. sitting down to eat and drink he thought.

He thought about how he was going to get Harry Potter. He knew that weekend was coming up and that would be a good time to get the boy because he wouldn't be teaching. So he would get Harry, Friday night. He would then keep Harry until Sunday night, to get him checked up and ready to go to a new home. Now all Severus needed to do was figure out who would take the boy in.

Severus sat thinking for about an hour before finally coming to a conclusion on who would be the best to take care of the boy.

It was late Wednesday night so he went to bed deciding to write a letter the next morning, knowing that it had to get from Scotland to Wiltshire.

Severus had a hard time falling asleep that night. Every time he closed his eyes, sights of Minerva's memories came back to him. It made him sick. After tossing an turning Severus finally fell into a not so peaceful sleep for a few hours before he had to get up.


Severus ended up sleeping in, and waking up late because of it. Severus had planned to write the letter before breakfast but he only just had enough time to shower and change before he had to head to the Slytherin common room.

It wasn't necessary for heads of houses to go to their common rooms before breakfast. But Severus did it anyways. Parents sent their children to this school and left them in the hands of the teachers, trusting them to keep their children safe.

And so every morning, before breakfast, Severus would go to the common room. He would check all of the dorm rooms to make sure everyone was up and out of bed. If he found someone still in bed, he wouldn't get mad. He would carefully wake them up and see if there was a reason for the child still being in bed. He didn't want students missing class because they slept in.

If there was a reason for the student still being in bed, he would sit and talk to them about it so that they could solve the problem.

After only finding one student in bed, a first year who told Severus he was feeling home sick, Severus was on his way to the great hall, with the boy following beside him. Making his way over to the Slytherin table, he made sure that the first year was with an older. He left that student with an order to come and see him if the first year needed anything.

Sitting down in his usual seat beside Minerva, Severus gave her a small sad smile. Making sure that Dumbledore couldn't hear them, Severus told Minerva who he thought they should send Harry to.

"Is that really a good idea Severus?" Minerva whispered. She had a worried expression on her face, and her hand was shaking slightly. "That family has a big reputation in the wizarding world. If we send Harry to them, it will be nearly impossible to keep it from the press. And from Dumbledore I would presume."

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