~Chapter 7~

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Feeling dizzy, Harry slowly opened his eyes. Realizing he was in a place he didn't know, he panicked and started wriggling aggressively in Severus's arms until his feet hit the ground. He fought to be let go and ran for the first place he could, under the small sofa.

Severus watched in shock as Harry pushed his way under the sofa. He wasn't quite sure what to do as he didn't want to scare the boy anymore then he already had.

He slowly made his way over to where the small boy was hiding. As he neared he could hear something coming from Harry. It was a mix of crying and uninterpretable mumbling. Unsure of what to do, Severus sat on the floor beside the couch in silence.

When he noticed the sounds weren't stopping he knew he had to do something about it. Taking his wand out of his cloak he cast a silent spell to lift the couch and move it from off the boy. The moment the couch had been placed back on the floor Harrys cries became louder and more coherent.

"Oh no. I sowwy. I sowwy." was sounding on repeat from Harry. Severus's eyes grew as he scooped the boy into his arms and cradled him in his lap.

"I need home, twouble, I need home." Harry wailed into the room. All Severus could do was shush the young boy. He had no clue how to fix a situation like this. Quickly thinking he summoned a quill and parchment, he scribbled a very quick note.

Forget waiting until tomorrow.

I need you here as soon as possible.


Finding an owl already sitting on his window sill, he tied the letter to its leg and promptly sent it off, hoping the recipient would get it quickly.

Standing up with the boy in his arms he headed over to scavenge his cupboards to find something to feed to Harry. Trying everything he offered the boy a drink, crackers, even cookies, but nothing would calm the boys wailing. Silently thanking the silencing charm set around his quarters, Severus paced the room bouncing the boy in his arms waiting.

It took a few minutes of pacing before the boys sobs and wails quieted into sniffles before the boy drifted to sleep. Heading over to his room he placed the boy on the small bed and covered him with a blanket before quietly leaving the room and closing the door behind him.

Taking a deep breath Severus walked back to the living area to see Narcissa Malfoy standing in front of his fire. Relief immediately spread across his face.

"Oh thank Merlin you are here." Severus sighed. "Please come sit, this may take a while."

As Narcissa sat on the couch, Severus headed back towards the kitchen to make some tea and grabbed some biscuits. Joining Narcissa on the couch, he offered her a cup of tea before pouring himself one. They sat in silence while Severus pondered where to begin his explanation.

"How are you doing Severus? You seem to have something on your mind." Narcissa spoke. "You are always serious but this is another level for you." There was a hint of worry in her voice.

Just as Severus was about to answer, a sound came from the bedroom, a mix of a cry and a cough. Both looking towards the bedroom, Severus motioned for Narcissa to wait while he went into the room. Coming back a moment later he had Harry in his arms, the small boy sniffling with tears streaming down his face. Narcissa's eyes widened when she saw the boy.

"Severus. What?" She spoke, confusion written across her face.

Sitting on the couch Severus finally spoke.

"This is Harry Potter. Minerva has been frequently checking on the boy since he was left with muggle family members. He's been both physically and mentally abused, and Albus," Severus growled the name, " could not care less. He is more worried himself then this boys well being. So without him knowing, I went and I got the boy. But I am unable to care for him in the castle. It is much to dangerous. Which is why I've called you here." Severus explained.

Narcissa looked at Severus like he had three heads. "You took the boy?" she asked to make sure she had heard correctly.

Severus nodded at her before looking down at the sniffling boy.

"How are you feeling Harry?" He spoke quietly. "This is a very good friend of mine." He added when he saw the boy peeking at Narcissa out of the corner of his eye. "Would you like to say hello?"

That seemed to set something off in Harry and he started wriggling intensely to get out a Severus's arm. Once on the floor, he started looking around as more tears pooled in his eyes threatening to fall.

"Sh sh sh" Narcissa hushed as she slid off the couch onto the ground to be level with Harry. "How are you Harry? My name is Narcissa. I want to help you. Would you like that?" She spoke softly to the boy. Harry had turned his body away but had turned his head back slowly as Narcissa spoke to him.

"Come, lets go find you a snack." Narcissa reached her hand out towards Harry but pulled back the moment she saw him draw back and squeeze his eyes shut. Instead she stood and headed over to Severus's kitchen and started opening cupboards to see what she could find. She offered the same foods to Harry that Severus had but still got 'no's' as an answer.

Seeing how small the boy was she knew he hadn't been eating much. Deciding to go with a different approach she placed a banana, apple sauce, and a treacle tart on the table before asking Harry to come and sit with her.

The boy walked over to her but stopped a foot away from her with his head down and his hands behind his back.

"I sowwy. How I help you?" Harry asked in a shaky voice. Looking towards Severus, Narcissa matched the look of shock on his face.

"Oh no Harry. I don't need your help. I want you come and sit with me. Is that alright with you?"

Harry hesitated and took a small step back, bumping into Severus who had walked up behind him. Gasping, Harry spoke "I vewy sowwy mister." on repeat, squeezing his eyes shut again.

Realizing it was gonna be a lot of work, Severus crouched down to Harrys level like Narcissa had done. Holding his hands out, he spoke to Harry.

"You've haven't done anything wrong little one. No need to apologize. Now lets go see Sissy and get a snack, yeah?"

Peaking through his hair, Harry looked up slightly to Severus and gave the smallest nod that most wouldn't see unless looking for it. Standing slowly, Severus placed a gentle hand on Harrys back and led him towards a seat at the table.

This was going to be a lot of work.


1181 words!


oh my goodness I am sorry for taking so long! ive hit a writers block where I know what I want to write I just cant get it out into words!

But here is chapter 7! I hope its good.

Im gonna stick to about 1000 word chapters now that Harry is out of the Dursleys house.

Ooh and I need opinions! would you guys like one mega story(like close to 100 or more chapters) that has some of harrys time growing up plus his time at Hogwarts? or would you prefer one book (about 50 chapters) of Harry growing up and then a second one (also 50 ish chapters) of his time at Hogwarts? let me know!

But for now im gonna start on chapter 8!

Ashe out~

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