~Chapter 6~

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The moment Severus was out of the school gates he hurried to behind a tree and quickly apparated to just down the street from Privet Drive. Glancing around he confirmed no one had saw him and he was exactly where he wanted to be. He stood for a moment to brief over his plan when he could feel a buzzing in the back of his mind. Without any notice he could hear Minerva talking to him.

"Do not worry about the wards. I was able to take the down Without notifying Albus that it had been done. You must still be quick though." Minerva warned.

That was a weight off his shoulders. Severus had seemed to have forgotten about the wards. That would not have ended well if he had went in and Albus had been informed that magic had crossed the wards.

Trying to look as normal as possible Severus Had begun his trek to down the road to find Number 4 Privet Drive. Severus continued to glance around his as he walked to make sure no people were around him.

The street was quite and he couldn't see most houses with all of the lights off. The wind was blowing just slightly. enough to cover the sound of his foot steps on the road, kicking rocks slightly. The silence was a nice change from the bombarding sound of children he heard daily. But the silence was quickly gone.

Looking up from his feet Severus could hear the sound of a man yelling but couldn't make out any words being spoken. Seeing a house with only one light on through the whole house, Severus knew he was at the right place. And with a quick glance at the house sign he confirmed yet again. Standing closer to the house now he could hear faint words out of the yells booming through the house.

Something along the lines of "You worthless boy. First you ruin my family by killing your parents and coming here, and now you are ruining my glass of tea and the food I eat." and before Severus could fully process the words he had heard, he could hear a glass smash, and then a bunch of thumping sounds before a bang as what sounded like a door closed followed by multiple locks. And then silence for a moment before the light flicked off and he heard footsteps retreating.

Waiting a moment before acting Severus did a quick glance behind him to make sure there was still no one there before making his away around the house to make sure no more lights were on before heading back into the front of the house.

Doing one final glance around, Severus quietly whispered 'Alohomora' to unlock the front door and stepping inside with as little noise as possible. Standing in the doorway, Severus listened to see if he could hear any movement through the house and when he confirmed it was silent he cast a Lumos spell to light a path in front of him.

Immediately he could see glass shards shining in the light on the floor, coming from a doorway to the left of him. and just before that doorway there was a cupboard with 3 different locks attached under the stairs to the right of him. He knew that is where Harry would be. Slowly walking up to the cupboard is when he could hear the first sounds through the whole house. He could hear small sniffles from the other side of the door.

He cast an 'alohomora' to unlock the first lock on the door. and after hearing the click of the lock he noticed that the sniffles had stopped. Unlocking the next lock, he heard the click, and then he heard a small gasp. Finally unlocking the last lock he heard the final click, and then he could hear fabric rustling on the other side of the door. Confused he waited for it to stop.

Once it was quiet again, Severus grabbed hold of the door handle and slowly twisted before pulling the door open. The first thing he noticed was the retched smell coming from inside the room. and then he noticed the little boy curled up, shaking under a thin piece of fabric that could not be considered more than a rag. The look on Harry's face was one that Severus just wished he could change immediately.

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