~Chapter 1~

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"Albus! The boy can not stay there a day longer!" came a shriek from Minerva McGonagall. "He will be dead before the age of 10!"

All eyes in the headmaster's office turned to her. Minerva had asked headmaster Dumbledore to call a meeting with a few other Hogwarts Professors.

She has been going to 'Number 4 Privet Drive Little Whinging Surrey' every day now for the last year; 5 years after Harry Potter was put in the Dursley family's care. She had a bad feeling about the household heiress Harry Potter was left on the doorstep. She had tried and tired to warn Dumbledore, but he was having none of it. So for the last year, Minerva has gone to the Dursley household. She would change to her Animagus form, and then sit in a bush to observe.

When she got back to her office in Hogwarts, she would tale that days memory, extract it from her mind, and place it in a glass vile. She would date the vile and give it a name that rounded up the whole memory. She now had a case with 360 memories.

"Minerva calm down." Dumbledore began with a hideous glint in his eyes. "The boy is safe. The blood wards are protecting him."

Minerva could have lost all control after those words left the headmasters mouth. She had seen what has gone on in that house. The boy was not safe. There was no doubt about it. She had seen the boy, the cuts, the bruises, and just the treatment in general. And it was getting worse by the day. What she had seen today was where she drew the line and demanded to speak to the headmaster.

"He is NOT safe Albus! what do you not understand?" Minerva was at the point of tears, just a few more seconds and she would break. "Forget about the blood wards for a second. Please just look at the memories! please.." She was definitely not one to beg, but here she was, ready to get on her knees and beg for the headmaster to listen to her.

"I will do no such thing Minerva. The boy will stay there, protected by the blood wards, until he comes to Hogwarts. Then he will kill Tom and save the wizarding world like he is meant to do." Dumbledore declared with that same glint in his eyes.

Minerva blinked, a tear rolling down her cheek. She needed someone to believe her. She looked around the room at the other professors that were there.

Madam Pompfry, Professor Flitwick, Professor, Snape, Professor Sprout, all with their eyes directed anywhere but Minerva's eyes. All but one.

"Severus..Please" She begged the potions master that was looking right into her eyes. "Please"

Without so much as a word, Severus summoned Dumbledore's and placed it on the table infront of him. He walked over to Minerva's case of memories and began looking at the names. It was another 10 minutes of silence while Severus picked out five different vile's. He finished by laying them all in a row on the table.

He moved the bottles around a bit before looking at Minerva. "Good?" he asked. Silent tears rolled down her face as she looked over the vile's he had chosen.

In order from left to right the vile's were labeled, 'play', 'holiday', 'bedtime', 'chores', and finally, 'the worst one yet'. Severus reached for the first vile, play, after he saw Minerva nod. Slowly he opened the vile and emptied the contents into the pensive. After a moment Severus lowered his head into the pensive.

'Severus landed in the middle of privet drive. The street was practically deserted minus the 2 boys in the front of one of the houses, as well as a cat. He quickly recognized the cat as McGonagall in the bush beside him. Severus slowly made his way towards the two boys. He could see a sign telling him he was in the right place.

Severus took a closer look at the two boys. One looked to be about 4 while the other looked to be seven. The older looking boy looked to be on the bigger side. He had light brown hair and was wearing a t-shirt and a pair of shorts, with a nice pair of running shoes.

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