Tea with Kirrie

41 3 7

Where we last left our hero, he was rudely interrupted by the firm shove of an angry male who seemed to not be happy that his seat had been occupied by someone else. Hero is now about to figure out how to escape this situation without busted kneecaps. 

This guy's got a death grip on my shoulder and I can hear my bones crushing under the pressure. I've got to act fast or I'm dead.

"Can I help you?", I ask as nicely as possible to prevent him from putting another hand on my shoulder. I cannot stress enough how much this hurts.

"You're on my seat dude, get up.", he says calmly as if he's trying to control his anger. I nod my head and slowly pry his hands off my shoulder in an attempt to relieve the pain.

"I hear you loud and clear friend, I'm getting up now but it's pretty hard to with your hand on my shoulder so...", I trail off and look up at him waiting for an answer. Something flickers in his eyes and he releases my shoulder. 

I sigh in relief and try to massage the area but it just makes it hurt even more. The dude is just standing there, hands in pockets, staring blankly at me. Probably waiting for me to get off his seat.

As I move to another seat I can see the pretty boy giggling and smiling at the other guy who just dislocated my shoulder. Am I in a simulation? Is there something I'm missing? He obviously saw what just happened, everyone did so what in the world is he smiling about?

I scoff and plop down in another seat, still in the general vicinity of the pretty boy. I still want to get to know him even if he's a little bitch, I'm a sucker for a quick fuck. He seems pretty interested in tough guy over there though.

Who knows, they might even be dating already, judging by how deeply they're staring into each others' eyes. Ugh as if.

It's still pretty early, like 8:15 am and classes don't start till 9:00 am so the teachers won't be in class at all. It's also very quiet and empty in class since there's only 7 of the 25 people in this homeroom that are present right now. It would have been the perfect time to sleep, but nah. Sleep is for the weak as I always say.

Also I got like 7 hours of sleep last night so I'm not that tired.

I've arranged all my books onto my desk, checked and rechecked that I had a complete pencil case, emptied out my sharpener, reviewed homeworks,  sharpened pencils and drank all my water.

I guess you could say I was pretty bored.

I'm really considering sleeping, when my phone goes off. It's in my coat pocket, so it took me a minute to fish it out. 

I check the ID. It's Kirrie. I look around at the classroom for a sec, before declining the call and sending her a text instead.

                                                                     [| 'Kirrie-Shima'|]

Kirrie-Shima                                                                                                                                                                Me

What's up? Why'd you call?

There are 3 boys making out hardcore in my class.

And they don't look like they're ready to stop anytime soon 😭😭

Boi what the hell boi. 

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