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"Maybe you should go talk to him," she suggests.

"I will but im going to let him cool off I don't have time to argue," I say getting up from her bed.

"I will be back later," I say leaving her room. 

"Hey Jaden, do you want to go get some food with me," I ask leaning on Jaden's door frame.

"Yeah sure give me a second," he says taking off his headphones.

"Alright, I will be in my car," I say kicking up off the wall and heading downstairs.


As I am walking to my car I can't help but feel a bit hurt. I am a sensitive person on the inside but I have to keep my guard up so I don't come off as weak. Some may call me a baby but when i get yelled at my feelings do get hurt. When Javon yelled at me it caught me off guard we were just good two days ago I don't know what made him act so rashly.

"Serenity are you okay?" Jaden asks with a confused look on his face.

"Yeah?" I question but soon realize I am crying when the salty tears enter my mouth. 

I quickly wipe them and begin to drive to Chick-Fil-A.


Once we are done eating we get the bags and throw them into the trash. We also grabbed the extra food for Javon and Jayla before we exit the fast food restaurant. We waste no time, hopping in the car and driving back home.


When we arrive I slowly make my way to Javons room and knock. 

"Jayla go away" he groans

 "It's Serenity," I say as I walk in.

 I walk up to him and lay down beside him. He doesn't talk and just scrolls on his phone.

 "Javon I don't want you to stay mad at me but im not going to try to reason with you if you are just going to be on your phone," I sigh.

"Hell I don't even know why you're mad," I chuckle trying not to cry.

"You're making a big deal out of nothing," I say scooting closer to him.

He drops his phone and glares at me. 

"Out of nothing, you sit here and talk in my face and lead me on then the next day you're all up on my brother," he states harshly.

"This is about me hanging out with Jaden? I never took you for the jealous type," I raise my voice a little standing up in the process.

"Me and him are just friends just like how you and me are friends," I say making gestures with my hands.

"Serenity im not going to argue with you if you're going to be nieve," he says pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Nieve?" I question.

"What is wrong with you, your going to act like there is nothing between us?" he says as he steps closer.

"Yeah, I mean I guess. Even if there is you have no right to raise your voice at me," I sold.

He runs his hands over his face sighing.

"Im sorry," he says calmly.

"Serenity you barely acknowledged me the whole time you were here and it made me feel some type of way," he says looking down.

"Im sorry Javon, I have other friends too, me and Jaden are totally platonic, we are just friends," I reassure 

 "And im sorry, I made you feel that way," I say lifting his head up so our eyes meet. 

I let my impulsive thoughts take over and I kiss him.

"Sorry I didn't mean t-" I stammer as I pull away.  

I try to apologize but he cuts me off by pulling me in for another quick peck to let me know he feels the same way.

 "Yo yall wanna do face masks-" Jayla asks then soon closes the door back.

 "Shit" we both whisper. 

 "Im gonna go get Jayla," I say he nods and kisses my cheek. 


"Jayla let's do those face masks!" I say walking into her room.

"Im just going to ignore the situation for now, let me go get the face masks," she states turning on her heels.


  After she gets the face masks she calls Javon and Jaden in. 

"Bro what" Jaden whines.

 "C'mon, we are doing face masks"

 He groans and flops on Jayla's bed.

 "Get off of me you whale," I say as I am pancaked under him.

 "What do you mean whale?" he asks pretending to be offended. 

I shove him off of me and then grab the remote.

 "Im going to pick out a movie," I say.

"It better now be a sappy romance," Jaden complains.


After we all have our face masks on and the movie is playing we start to get comfortable. I snuggle close to Javon and rest my head on his chest.

 "Bro no funny business over there," Jaden says then reverts his eyes onto the screen. 

I grab my phone and begin to take pictures with him. After im done I just get comfortable and watch the movie.


When the movie finishes we begin to take off the face masks.

"Oww this hurts like a bitch on a stick" Jaden complains.

 "Stop moving so I can take it off in one piece" Jayla scolds him.

 I just laugh and I look in the mirror and begin to take mines off. 

"Ren come  get this thing off of me," Javon complains.

 "Hold on I'm coming" I laugh as I throw my mask in the trash. 

I help Javon get his off and then we all wash our faces. 

"My skin feels so much better," Jayla says while touching her face.

 "Ik it feels like I'm glowing" I reply. Javon mutters something that I couldn't make out as we walk back into Jayla's room.

"You want to stay the night?" he asks.

 "Uhh sure let me text my mom" I respond pulling out my phone.

I wait a couple of seconds for my mom to reply, and she said yes.

 "My mom said yes, "I tell him as I get off of the bed to change.

I go into Javon's closet and grab one of his hoodies. I ditch the pant because I can tell they are way too big. 

I hop back into the bed with Javon and we just cuddle as we both drift to sleep.

A/N: I tried to make this part longer. If you have any chapter ideas list them in the comments. 

Javon and Serenity Pictures ↓

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Edited 05/07/2023

I Just Want To Be Yours // Javon Walton// Being EditedWhere stories live. Discover now