Chapter Three

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A/N Okay well I'm sorry for starting off with an authors note but I just wanted to thank everybody who is reading this I know it's really boring right now,but I promise it will get better and if you guys would share my story round,tell your friends to read it,it would mean the world to I'm gonna write chapter 3 now,oh and if you read this comment a :) please vote and comment thanks so much <3

#Mollies P.O.V

"So...about Last night.." I said with a dead serious expression..I wanted to get to the point and joking was not going to get me there.Harry's smile just...dropped when I said it,he looked down and.....

......Blushed...Did I just see Harry Styles Blush?

He looked back up at me "Oh...Ermm.....well.." Was all he said then he coughed and said "I was just saying good-night to you" he looked back down at his drink and started fidgeting with the lid."Is that how you say good-night to everyone" I asked raising one eye brow and looking at him..I really wanted to laugh..because I could tell I was making him uncomfortable..which is what I intended on doing..."Ehhh...Yeah...well no...I don't know..." He blurts out with tomato red cheeks..I stood up and my two hands on his cheeks,they were really warm..As I held his face in my hands,I looked into his eyes...He looked so frightened,so scared..I couldn't keep going on with this it was to hard and at this point I was afraid to either..hear or say something I didn't want to."Hey styles...Look at me..I'm joking,don't look so scared" I said.I sat back in my seat and he just smiled..he looked so relieved,I was bursting to go bathroom."Harry..has this place got a bathroom.." I asked squirming in my chair while crossing my legs so I didn't wet myself there and then."Erm....Nope.." Harry said looking around the small cafe."What....Are you bloody kidding me.." I exclaimed as I continued to squirm."I'm joking it over there to the left.." Harry said pointing at the Ladies bathroom..I got Out of my seat..and walked away and then I reversed and walked back to Harry backwards..I grabbed Harry's Face in my two hands...and kissed his forehead..."W-what was t-that..f-for..?" Harry Blurted out with a Stutter. "I thought I owed you..since...uh..last..Night" I said awkwardly,while looking down.We just Looked into each others eyes.."Don't you need to go to the bathroom.." Harry said looking down a smile trying not to play on his lips."Oh yeah,I'll be right back.." I said walking towards the bathroom.

I came back and Harry was not at the table...

I sighed as I figured out what had happened..I was always reading about how Harry could charm any girl in the world...even the oldie's.I guess he saw some girl and he thought..'Oh look how pretty she is,oh god what if someone were to see me with Mollie,oh god no..Look at her and then look at Mollie..I have to get that girl's number..' and then Harry would walk over to the dirty blonde haired girl and he would smile his adorable smile and BAM she was in a trance,and right now,they're probably in a taxi going to her apartment..

Someone then Tapped me on the shoulder...and I was brought out of my thoughts

"YEAH WELL SHE'S A B*TCH" I shouted instead of thought..Everyone in the cafe just gave me the weirdest looks..

"Who's A b*tch?" I heard and I turned around to see Harry standing there with his hands in his pockets.

"Oh..umm...You..Where were you?" I said,with a smile...but in a serious tone..

"I went to a bathroom...why where did you think I went?" He asked raising one eye-brow at me.

"I don't know,that's why I asked you.." I said and he just laughed "I'm going to pay for these.." He said pointing towards the empty glasses."But It's my turn.." I said.."I promise you can pay next time.." he said smiling.."Pinky promise?" I said Holding out my pinky finger.."Pinky promise.." Harry said hooking his pinky with mine.

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