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[ Condescending jack-ass ]

For reasons beyond her imagination, Riyo got roped into helping at the Seirin training camp. She wasn't much use on the basketball front, though her aim on the court wasn't bad, and she definitely wasn't a stellar cook. Instead of spending her summer vacation with a bunch of boys and their coach, she had been looking forward to having a few days (and Kagami's apartment) all to herself.

However, Kagami had insisted they needed her. He'd made up a bunch of excuses ranging from needing someone to fetch them water and do their laundry, to needing someone to help Aida come up with a killer strategy for the Winter Cup they were now preparing for. Though his reasons hadn't convinced Riyo, the urgency in his voice had. For whatever reason, Kagami hadn't wanted her to stay behind.

"You're coming with us to the beach, right?" Aida asked Riyo as they were getting settled in the room they were sharing since they were the only two girls.

"Huh? No." Riyo dug around her duffel bag for the longer leash. "I was thinking of taking Ivar and #2 for a walk if it's okay with you?"

"Oh." Aida set the playbook she'd unpacked on her nightstand and plopped down on her bed. "I thought you'd wanna join us. The weather's great and we could probably squeeze in a quick dip in the water if I make the boys do drills."

Riyo offered her a nervous smile. She wasn't quite sure what to do with Aida's kindness. She gave Iverson a half-hearted scratch behind the ear and the elderly dog whimpered. "You guys don't need me getting in your way. Besides, I think the furballs would appreciate the fresh air."

Iverson let out a gleeful bark to show his agreement. Riyo was certain the dog could understand every word that passed her lips.

"You could bring them to practice?" Aida suggested lifting an eyebrow.

Riyo shot her an are-you-sure-that's-a-good-idea look. "Kagami-kun would freak."

That would be entertaining though...

They shared a conspiratory smile but refrained from planning to torture the Seirin ace. Though Riyo had to admit, the image she'd conjured in her head of Kagami trying to run drills but instead running away from Number Two and Iverson was very tempting.

"I'm glad he and Tetsu are working things out," Riyo said.

Aida dipped her chin in agreement. "I don't think there was ever really a falling out between them. They just need time to figure out how to evolve and excel as individuals."

"You think they'll come together stronger when they're ready?"

"Yes. And Teppei seems to agree."

Kiyoshi Teppei had rejoined the Seirin team after the Interhigh tournament. Riyo had been told that Kiyoshi had sustained an injury the previous year and had needed the time to heal. The first time she'd met him at a team practice, she'd thought he was peculiar. A little odd and goofy but with a kindness and warmth to him that made the people around him feel at ease. His good-heartedness reminded her of someone but she couldn't place it.

"He's really good, isn't he?" Riyo asked while absent-mindedly stroking Iverson's fur. "Talented and sharp-witted?"

Aida's lips curved into a small smile with a hint of sorrow in her eyes. She must've been remembering something from last year when they'd formed the team.

"He is, but he needs to get back in shape for the Winter Cup." The wistfulness in her gaze gave way to sheer determination. "They all need to be in better shape if we want to win." Suddenly her aura grew darker with an edge of danger. She seemed almost diabolical. "Unless they want to confess their love naked in public."

Riyo blanched and then shuddered. "They what?"

Aida let loose a bright smile with a hint of wickedness. "If they don't win, they must confess their love naked and in public."

The way she repeated it sent a dreadful shiver down Riyo's spine. She was grateful that she didn't have an impending nude love confession on the line. The mere thought of doing something as crazy as that made her want to hide in her room and never come out. Then another unwelcomed thought entered her mind...

Who would she confess her love to? There was only one person that would fit that criterion, even though he shouldn't. Even though he should've been the last person to come to mind.

"I should get going. The boys are probably waiting for me," Aida announced and hopped off the bed. "Come find us if you change your mind. I promise you won't be in the way."

Riyo offered her an absent nod before the coach left, clipboard in hand and a whistle around her neck. Not long after Riyo found herself on a walk with both dogs.

The beach was gorgeous, with white sand and an endless blue ocean. The water wading to the shore in a calming quiet rhythm had an unexpected yet utterly calming effect on Riyo.

Riyo had chosen a route that took her as far away as possible from the basketball practice happening on the other end of the beach. The Seirin boys had been nothing but kind to her but she still didn't quite belong, not like she had at Teiko, or like she'd thought she had...

Being on her own was better anyway. No one could hurt her if they never got close enough, not even Tetsu or Kagami. Not that she thought either of them would. Then again, never in a million years had she thought Aomine would either.

Riyo let out a sardonic chuckle that made Iverson glance her way and tilt his head. #2 had no idea she'd made such a noise as he happily sniffed a trash can and all its treasures a few feet away.

Riyo concluded that she couldn't trust her instincts. Clearly, she wasn't the best judge of character.

Though if she thought about it for too long, she might admit to herself that she was scared.

As Riyo walked further and further away from their accommodation, she let her thoughts wander. And she started to imagine a whole new life for herself. One where her best friend hadn't chosen a sport over her.

She pictured living in LA with Iverson. She imagined growing up with both of her parents, although it also meant that in this reality she wouldn't have her siblings, which made her feel kind of guilty. She loved them but sometimes she wondered what life would've been like if her biological father had never left. If things would be different. If she'd turned out less useless, less unwanted, less unlovable.


That voice made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end and white-hot fury flare in her gut.

Condescending jack-ass.

She spun around with a furious look in her dark brown eyes. She had a score to settle and he couldn't have picked a better time to give her the opportunity.

There were no witnesses.


[ AN ]


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I hope you have a great day!

x Jen

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