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[ What's best for you ]

Riyo and Kagami struck a deal. Kagami would cook them breakfast and dinner every day, and Riyo would teach him everything she knew about basketball. After her unplanned run-in with Midorima, and his buying her half the convenience store, Riyo had decided to make a conscious effort to pay attention to eating more and more regularly. She was trying to feel like herself again.

Over the weekend, Riyo was visiting her parents' house, her home. As soon as she'd walked in through the door her siblings had bombarded her with questions about where she was staying, if she'd made any friends, and to her dismay, if she had heard of how greatly Aomine had won his latest game.

As it turned out, the boy hadn't been lying about having Sunday dinners with her family. Riyo's younger siblings kept going on and on about him like he was secretly a superhero with a cape and colorful tights.

Though she wouldn't have minded getting a glimpse of him in a superhero costume.

The thought made her blush and she shook her head to banish it. Fortunately, it disappeared as quickly as it had popped into her head.

"He promised he'd take me out to a street court to practice someday soon! Isn't that great, onee-chan?" Seiji enthused waving his hands in the air in emphasis.

A small, jealous part of her, wished it was her instead.

"That's lovely, nii-chan." Riyo's voice was strained.

All Riyo could hear for a few hours was Aomine this and Aomine that... If she didn't know any better she'd think they wanted him as the eldest sibling of the family. And to be honest... they probably did.

Riyo rubbed her temples to ward off the headache that was forming. As much as she missed her former best friend, she didn't want him replacing her in her own family or to hear them talk about him all the time. Especially, when Aomine had been the reason she had left in the first place.

Maybe he was actually a government agent trying to get her out of the way and infiltrate her family.

A loud, full-belly laugh bubbled out of Riyo at the ridiculousness of that thought. She had clearly spent too much time watching spy movies on Kagami's couch and listening to her brother's insane conspiracy theories. She really needed to spend more time with Tetsuya, since he was currently the only sane friend she had.

Her brothers, who were currently bickering over a toy train, or her sisters, who were whispering and gossiping, didn't glance even her way as she held a hand over her mouth to keep from giggling. Her mother, however, offered her a warm smile and a knowing look. Riyo could've sworn she saw something pass behind her eyes. An emotion she couldn't decipher. Riyo's gaze drifted back to her siblings as she kept thinking about what her mother must've thought of everything that had happened.

"Honey?" Riyo's mom asked in a sweet tone drawing her attention away from a blushing Miya sitting next to Sugi who was in the middle of enthusiastically explaining how Aomine had gotten her a signed picture of Kise.


Her mother frowned. And Riyo glanced into her deep brown eyes that were an exact copy of her own. It was staggering how much they looked alike. Riyo had once seen pictures of her mother as a teenager and had she not known better, she might've mistaken them for pictures of herself. Were they the same age, they'd be like identical twins. No one could tell them apart. Riyo was a carbon copy of her mother.

It was almost odd, how little she looked like her father. Then again her dad had left when she had been no older than six, so not having his features staring back at her every time she looked in the mirror was more of a blessing than a curse in her book.

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