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[ The wrong thing to say ]

Riyo's sprint was cut short, and she nearly tripped over her own feet, when she spotted Aomine's large frame by the large floor-to-ceiling windows. He was staring at something outside. Riyo's heart began to race and she froze, though she was breathing hard from dashing around.

What was he doing here? Wasn't he supposed to be in the locker rooms with his team?

Riyo didn't have time to decide on what she wanted to do as he turned around and noticed her there, watching him. Aomine's eyes widened slightly, the movement was so subtle that she would've missed it if she hadn't been carefully looking at him the whole time.

He took her in, from head to toe. Something akin to concern flashed behind his eyes. It was similar to the emotion she'd noticed pass over Midorima's features a few days ago but hadn't been able to decipher. Aomine, however, she'd always been able to read. She knew him too well for him to be able to hide his feelings from her.

Or at least she had known him...

"Hey," she said in a quiet greeting.


Aomine's brows rose. He had expected Miyoshi to ignore him, to run off to wherever she had been going. He hadn't expected her to stop and chat, though he was glad she had.

What rattled him was her too-thin figure. Midorima had been right. Something was wrong with her. Something, he'd missed because she wouldn't let him close anymore, because he'd wrecked their friendship.

Aomine cleared his throat. "Hey."

He didn't know what else to say. There were too many things he wanted to say. He wanted to demand that she come back to Touou, wanted to ask her what was going on and why she looked so pale, so hollow. Most of all he wanted to tell her how much he missed her, how much it killed him to stay away, and how sorry he was for hurting her.

The words didn't come.


"You're winning." Riyo regretted the words as soon as they left her lips. It was a stupid thing to say.

Aomine shoved his hands into his pockets before flashing her that smug smirk, she'd seen a thousand times before. "Obviously." He added with a shrug, "The only one who can beat me is me."

There was still something off. His words lacked their usual bite, lacked the fire that burned in him whenever he played. Riyo offered him a fleeting smile that didn't reach her eyes when what she really wanted to do was roll her eyes and tell him off for being so arrogant and stubborn.

"Do you still love it?"

His back stiffened. "Love what?"


"Of course," he replied.

The gleam in his deep blue eyes confirmed it. Playing against Kise was more of a challenge than he had expected.

This time the smile that touched Riyo's lips was real. Wistful and pained, but real.

"I'm glad," she said, and meant it.

For a moment they studied each other, both holding back a million words. Then Riyo turned to leave. If she stayed for too long she might do something she'd regret.

"Wait!" he blurted and reached out his arm like he wanted to touch her but stopped himself. He let his hand drop back to his side as Riyo halted and waited for what he had to say. "Can you meet me here after the game? I have things I want to say."

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