do we have a problem?

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Onika T. Maraj
Times Square, Manhattan, New York

 MarajTimes Square, Manhattan, New York

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2 months later

"Lo I'm just so happy with her.. I don't know how to explain it" I told her, sitting at our lunch table.

"I'm happy for you nic nac" she said smiling.

"So how's you and Ermias?" I asked nudging her shoulder. Her and Nip had been together for as long as everyone could remember.

"Good as ever, you know that's my baby" she said cheesing from ear to ear.

"There's mine" i said, watching bey walk into the cafeteria, towards me.

"Hey london, hey nika" she said smiling. "I came over here to ask if you wanted anything to eat. I need you to come upstairs with me for a bit" she said and I nodded.

"Can lo come with me?" I asked grabbing my bag.

"Yeah, come on." She said before walking off.

Me and Lo followed behind her before I heard someone laughing. We both whipped our heads around and i rolled my eyes at who it was.

Robyn and Belcalis.

"You got something you wanna say?" I asked looking between the two of them.

"Bitch keep it moving" Robyn said and I chuckled dropping my bag to my feet.

"ONIKA" her deep voice called out.

"No fuck that since these dizzy ass hoes got sum ta' say" I called out walking up on Robyn. Out the corner of my eye i caught Belcalis try and come up behind me.

"I wish yo' ass would" Lauren said walking towards her.

"Onika back up seriously before I knock yo' ass out" Robyn said all up in my face.

I pushed her back and was ready to swing before I felt a hand jerk me back.

"Man get the fuck off of me, I'll mop the floor with all y'all!" I said raising my voice and snatching away from whoever grabbed me.

I turned to see bey with her eyebrow raised giving me that look, nodding she spoke to Lauren before walking up the stairs.

"Yeah that's what I thought" I said watching them walk off. Turning to lo as she tugged on my sweater I waited for her to start speaking.

"Ms.Knowles said for you to meet her in her office.." she trailed off looking worried.

I simply nodded and walked up there..

"what's the worst that can happen?" I asked myself opening her door.


The worst did happen, she fucked the attitude right out of me.

"Anything else you wanna say Tanya?" She asked zipping up my pants for me.

"If I see them again I'm swinging I don't care. They not finna talk to me like they ain't got no sense." I told her wiping my lipgloss off the side of her face.

"You aren't fighting anybody hush" I rolled my eyes and she sent me a look.

"I'm sorry" I quickly rushed out.

"Mhmm, you can hang out here I only have two more classes to teach."

"Okay" i said reaching over to grab my phone to let lo know I was alright.

"I wanna take you out some time next week" she said and i instantly smiled.

"Okay I would love that. Just let me know" I said leaving a kiss on her cheek.

She nodded and walked out the office to teach her last few classes of the day.


"Hey sissy" Ming said as I made my way down the stairs.

"Hey bug" I replied kissing her on her cheek. Me and her were extremely close, my mom was at work all the time leaving us two in the big house alone.

"Can we watch princess tianna?" She asked jumping up and down.

"Yeah, go get your snacks and meet me in my room. I have to take this call real quick." I told her watching her shoot off into the kitchen.

"Hey y'all" I answered the phone to the group chat.

"So we have us a few bitches to kill?" Mani asked and I shook my head no.

"Girl no bey snatched my ass up before my fists could connect with her ass" I told them grinning.

"Yeah don't fight unless we with you, I would hate to have to kill me some bitches cause they tried to jump my best friend" zen said and I nodded my head laughing.

We talked for about ten more minutes before I joined Ming, watching princess and the frog.

"I love you Barbie" Ming rasped out clinging onto my neck.

"I love you too mimi"

Short and sweet for the gorlssss, im stuck with writers block so it may be a while until I update this book love y'all tho <3.

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