Freedom at last!

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Lunch just ended and I decided to visit Val. When I entered the room she appeared angry, as angry as I've ever seen her. she was by her bunk and appear to be packing a bag. "What are you doing?" I asked. "oh good you decided to drop by today. You're one lucky teenager" she said. "Wha- why? What's going on, why are you packing?" "I'm tired of it, the guards finally pushed me over the edge." She said angrily while packing. "Why are you packing?" I questioned. "I told you, the guards push me over the edge if that didn't answer your question this will: 'WE ARE LEAVING NOW" she said urgently. "What?! You can't be serious we don't have the details worked out, I don't have a bag packed, I'm not ready yet!" I sat in a panicked tone. "If you are ready to bad you can stay here but I'm leaving now!" She stood up with her bag and was about to walk out the door. "Wait! Please wait for me I want to go with you please wait till tonight that was our original deal! Remember? The trash truck doesn't come until tonight." I reasoned. She have to before turning around. "Okay fine. I suggest you go to your bag packed now meet me back here right after dinner to work out details right before we go." "Thanks!" I said. I ran back to my dorm to go pack my bag. It was a guard in the hallway so I asked him politely if I may have entrance to my dorm. I packed a bag while the girls cleaning the dorm gave me looks and ask me questions. Of course I answered none of them. I put the pep band under my bunkbed and headed out to dinner when the bell rang. I sat down at my friends usual table and waited and for them to arrive. When they finally got here I decided I would tell them I want to be staying here any longer. "What?!" Snack said. "you- you're gonna kill yourself?!" After's map said that the girls gasped. "Is that true?" They all said in unison. "yes" I lied through my teeth. I kind of told them I had a plan for escape, soapsuds could tell on me or Smack... Well actually Smack might try to tag along. "When are you going to do it?" Lemon asked. "after dinner" I said. She gasped. "Wait! We haven't giving your nickname yet!" Lemon said. "We already have it for you, we just haven't had the time to tell you." Said soapsuds. My grin was probably a big one plastered across my face. "What is it?" I asked excitedly. The girls whispered for a moment then I heard them quietly count to three. "Little Fearless!" They all said in unison and I had a big smile on my face! I gasped. "I love it, I love it!" My three friends gushed. "Now I know every name has a meaning behind it, tell me what mine is." I said happily. "Well... You act a lot like Smack, but you are a little crazier." Girls laughed and I laughed with them. Then Smack spoke up. "You've done a lot of crazy stuff kid, a lot of crazy stuff I wouldn't do!" She said and I smiled. I would keep my nickname with me, and wear it as a badge i'd always be proud of. It will remind me of this place, and when I get out of here I'm going to try my best to prove to people that this place exists. Hopefully one day somebody shall believe me and I can get to see my friends again. Smiling at the thought that my smile turned into a frown when I realized, I can't lie to my friends, after all they've done for me. I had to tell that my plans of escape... maybe they could even come with me, if it's not too risky. "Guys, I have something to tell you." "what is it?" They all asked in unison. I leaned forward and whispered. "I'm not going to tell myself." they had big smiles on their face suddenly, then I realized that I would just continue to live here, they didn't realize I meant I wasn't going to be here because I would be escaping. No, no... I'm still not going to be here, at the prison." Their faces morphed into one of confusion. "What do you mean? If you're not when yourself, then how are you not going to be at the prison anymore?" All of the sudden Smack's face lit up with amusement. He punched my arm playfully. "You really are fearless!" I smiled at the ground. We both started laughing. "What are you guys talking about?" Lemon and soapsuds asked in unison. I leaned in and whispered again. "I'm going to escape tonight after dinner." They both gasped. "I'm going to miss you guys, but I'm going to see if I can take you with me." "you're not escaping alone?" They asked. "No, I'm going with somebody who I befriended." I answered. "Follow me after the dinner bell rings." I instructed.
After the dinner bell:

The girls had their bags packed and we took them to Val's dorm. I quickly ask Val if they could tag along. She obviously didn't like the ad yet first, but she just couldn't say no. All of us walked to the dumpsters with our bags, pretending there was trash in them to be dumped. We jumped into the dumpsters... Well SOME of us willingly did so, Smack jumped in like it was a pool... Lemon took a little persuasion but Soapsuds... Well we just threw her in by force. We waited for a while until the dumpster truck came. It grabbed us and threw us into another heap of trash and we struggled to swim to the surface of it. We buried ourselves in, nothing was showing except for our curious eyes peaking out, anxious to see the world they haven't seen in years. They stared in amazement at the city lights. "We've gotta jump out now!" Val yelled over the rumbling of the truck. We followed her as she jumped, tucked, and rolled onto the pavement. We all just laid there for a while smelling the scents we haven't smelled in years. Cars, food... A new life.
Meanwhile back at the prison...

Girls are in bed sleeping while Jay and his lackeys make sure everyone's in bed. He screeched with anger when little Val wasn't in her bed. The other little kids were awoken from their dreams and were forced to look for her while he continued his "roll call" when he reached the gray's dorm he nearly had a heart attack. At that point he turned on the emergency siren and everyone was awoken and was forced to search everywhere while the guards searched outside in the ivy and trees. While they searched they wondered what had happened to their fellow prisoners. A few said, "I wonder where they are?" "Are they dead?" "Did they escape?!" And "we might be able to escape right now! We can slip out in noticed!" But all of their attempts were futile, for Jay had the prison on lock down. The girls were never found and what happened to them was to remain a mystery. That night, Jay died of a heart attack. The nurse tried to revive home but her efforts were of no use. A new leader was needed, so Adam- Jay's right hand man- stepped up to the plate. He hardly made any changes, he kept everything the same over the years. His heart never changed for the better... Nope, the females remained prisoners. Many had dreams of escape, and many more in the years to come would escape. Adam had a cinder block wall made to insure maximum security outside of the prison. While it was being built 3 escaped. After it was built nobody escaped... Except one girl who climbed the wall. After that barbed wire was installed, as well as sharp shooters. You can guess how many escaped after that. Many just gave up. The group of escapees gave them hope, and when that hope was snatched away they didn't know what to do with themselves, death seemed to be the only viable option anymore. The death rate at the prison went up so much that a new job was built around it: "body cleaning and disposal".
In the city...
The girls continued their lives as friends but eventually went their own separate ways:

Soapsuds (Ansley): Went to school and became a doctor married to a surgeon named Matthew, their beautiful daughter Sophia is growing up quickly and wants to be a doctor too.

Lemon (Ashely): Went on to become a model and was reunited with her parents thanks to her fame.

Smack (Emma): Became a gym teacher at a elementary school and was reunited with her family after many years of searching. She married Luke- a teacher at her school- and they are very happy with their soccer playing twins- Mark and Duncan.

Valerie: Finished school and used her strict leadership skills to become a leader of a successful company.

Little Fearless (Alyssa): She has dedicated her life to preaching her story and started a foundation to help end child slavery everywhere. She has tried to convince people that the prison was real but hardly anybody believes her. She won't give up, ever and continues to tell her story to anyone who will listen.

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