~A Comforting Confession~

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(I've never felt such overwhelming emotions before..)
(Never like this, and arceus I'm so lucky to experience it)

No longer fighting back the desperate need of TLC. Snivy pushed herself onto a now blushing otter, and kissed his soft lips, earning a surprised, yet cute squeak from him.

Oshawott. The self proclaimed casanova. Had absolutely no idea what to do. Or say!
At one moment he was comforting his hurting best friend, then the next...a kiss..filled with genuine love and honesty.
He felt like melting right then and there! He couldn't believe his eyes..

With noticeable hesitation Snivy pulled away and sighed softly.
"Im..sorry for surprising you like this. I just..couldn't think of any other way of thanking you for helping me out so much.."
She smiled and looked up at her otter.

Oshawott blinked a couple times and turned a tomato red
"o-OH! N..n-no no no no no no it's no problem! I mean- I certainly didn't mind the kiss! NOT THAT- THAT'S ALL I CARE ABOUT O-OF COURSE- I was listening to EVERY WORD you were saying and just got a liiitle distracted and surprised by that kiss that I mentioned twice now- uhHAGAIN NOT- NOT A BAD THING!!!!! J-just surprised and- and caught OFF! uh..uhHOFF G-..GUARD!! Yeah! No big deal I'm completely fine here!! Ehehe.."
The red faced otter blurted dumbly wearing a goofy smile on his face, yelling internally after making a fool of himself.

Though he was surprised to see Snivy laughing at his embarrassing outburst and flared red even brighter than before, but this time out of embarrassment. He could have swore his scalchop was blushing too.

"Oh geez now I'm being laughed at"
Oshawott said somewhat dramatically

"Heheh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to laugh,"
She covered her mouth slightly. "but it was pretty cute seeing you all flustered like that, maybe I'll keep doing this to you."

Oshawott huffed and fiddled his scalchop. "Well!- Jokes on you, I find your company amazing anyway!"

Snivy smiled and leaned into Oshawott, snuggling against his soft fur and slipping her leafy paws into his.

"As do I~"

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