~Comforting Confession~ pt2

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The two sat leaning against eachother in a blissful silence. The only thing making noise being Oshawott's increasing heartbeat and tiny squeak of realization.

Snivy caught this and tilted her head slightly.
"Are you just now realizing what this means..?"

His eyes widened, then SPARKLED!
Quickly! He turned and hugged Snivy tightly!

"It means I can hug you, without feeling like I'll get slapped in front of everyone!! A dream come true..SCORE!"

"W-what? Slap? I wouldn't slap you-"
"Oh no no yes you would!"

He interrupted pulling away from the hug and stopping at her hands holding them. "Especially if it was way back then when I first met you, you were so isolated and looked very lonely."

"Well yeah, I had just joined the team? I didn't know anyone, and you all were so lively. I was nervous." She then closed her eyes and turned away opening them again. "Especially around you."

Oshawott looked surprised then confused. "Me? Why? I can't think of anything that'd make me scary. I'm a pretty friendly 'mon aren't I?"

Snivy nodded her head. "Yes but, that's the very reason why I was nervous- not scared. To be around you. You were always so open to everyone and everything. Like, you've never seen a downside to doing certain things. I was always confused by it, and you in general. You were quite the anomaly to me."

The otter just stared as if expecting another explaination. Snivy sweatdropped and explained in simpler terms. "What I mean is. I don't know how you can be so comfortable around so many Pokèmon."

"Oh!" Oshawott straighted himself up and smiled "It's not hard, it's as easy as pie! You just walk up, announce your presence~ and BOOM you've got yourself a new friend!" Oshawott said complete with many gestures. Then tables turned as Snivy was the confused one now.

"A..annouce your presence..?"
"Mmhm!!" He replied with a big nod.

"Well as easy as you make it seem, I'm not exactly the.. social type." She reminded him. Oshawott's smile didn't fall as he stood up, bringing Snivy with him.

"Ah don't worry about that I'll be there with you!! Just in case you breakdown from the stress of talking to others!" He did his iconic shell beat with a taiko drum kind of sound coming from it.

A smile formed as she held his hand a little tighter. "Alright, oh can we start with Tranquill? We're kinda close, but I'd like to know about her more."
"As you wish!"

And with that they left their secluded area to join back with the others

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