RE-Crowned the Scalchop King 👑

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Never in my entire life have I been so embarrassed. I mean, Yeah! I've done some prrrreetty dumb things before, I'm sure we can all agree on that! But this...? This has to be my Worst. Moment. Ever.
Away from my other teammates. I sat sulking in my trainers arms after departing from Scalchop Island trying to forget my humiliating final act, but I couldn't no matter how hard I tried! It just kept playing on repeat, the many faces of the crowd..Caesar smirking at me, that jerk...and Osharina..oh hers was the WORST! The sheer look of disappointment on her face broke my heart so bad it caused my precious scalchop to crack STRAIGHT down the MIDDLE!! I've hit rock bottom. Arceus strike me down right now— How could I EVER recover from this? Oooohh......

Oshawott held his broken scalchop and sank in Ash's arms getting his attention, Ash smiled. "Hey buddy! How are ya feeling?" The small otter blinked and rolled over burying his face near Ash's elbow. "'re still caught up on that, but there's no need to worry! I'm sure you'll be able to pull yourself together!" He soon felt a hand rub his head which gave him some reassurance, "And if you're still having trouble, I'll come and shake the thoughts out myself!" Ash declared confidently. "Shake the thoughts outs?" A voice intervened, in a friendly mocking tone. Iris sitting across the table from him. "What, are you gonna swing him back and forth until he feels better?"

"Hmm, that's not what I meant, but it's worth a shot!" ("Wott?!") Oshawott quickly shouted in protest. "No way you actually took that into consideration, what a kid!" The two bickered back and fourth as the otter settled back down.

Soon a familiar yellow figure came and jumped on to the shoulders of its trainer and turned his attention to Oshawott. ("Hey there Oshawott, how are you feeling?") The water type looked up at his electrical friend and smiled. ("I'm doing..okay! Still hurting..but Ash cheered me up!") Pikachu nodded. ("Wow that's great! I'm glad you're doing better, you being all Shellshocked really had us worry about you hahaha!!")
...Oshawotts smile dropped immediately as his expression became deadpan. There goes that reassurance. ("Worse. I'm doing way worse actually.") Pikachu sweatdropped and nervously chuckled, nudging the water type. ("C-cmon now, it was a good joke! I spent my dinner time thinking it up!.....Hello?")

Oshawott turned away
Nothing but the silent treatment, poor Pikachu..

("Okay okay I'm sorry!! I just thought it'd brighten your mood.") Oshawott turned back around and chuckled ("I was just messing with you dude, thanks.") Pikachu sighed in relief ("No problem, so are you going to come eat with us now? It's a little bland without you causing some sort of commotion.") Oshawott's stomach growled, he hadn't realized how long it's been since leaving the island. He nodded and wiggled his way out of Ash's arms. "Oh! Have a good dinner Oshawott and thank you for convincing him Pikachu!" The two Pokémon waved back at their trainer and made their way to the rest of their friends.

(Small note: this is probably going to keep switching from 1st person to 3rd person, sorry!! I hope you enjoy this first chapter 💖

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2022 ⏰

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