Covering Up For His Mistakes

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Sorry I haven't updated been busy this is kind of short but I hope you like it please comment and vote!


I laid there on the hard wooden floor curled up, head to my knees waiting for him to finish. I quietly sobbed I didn't dare to let him hear me or beg because I knew if he herd it would only get worse! Once he stopped and I was sure he was done with me I crawled upstairs and laid in bed. I laid there thinking about my life, my parents.

My mom was beautiful shoulder length light brown hair with green eyes. She was in perfect shape and always had the cutest clothes! My dad.... He wasn't always like this he was an amazing father but once my mom passed he couldn't handle it. My mom died 6 years ago giving birth to my baby brother. She had trouble giving birth and my dad was forced to choose who to save... My mom... Or his child! We all knew who he wanted to choose but he knew if he chose my mother she would never forgive him! At the end it didn't matter they both ended up dead! It was heartbreaking!

My dad the only person I depended on to be the rock cracked so ever since I'm on my own...raising my self... My own rock! It's hard but I have no choice.

I woke up early the next morning at 8:00 I don't go to school to 10:00 so I decided to take a shower. I got in and let the hot water wash all the dry blood away. It burned but I was determined to never let anyone know what happened! Once I got out I put my dance uniform under a pair of dark wash skinny jeans and a crop top with one direction on it, I know it sounds cheesy but I love them! Like really love them! I paired that with gray Uggs. I looked in the mirror and was happy with my appearance so I went to my make up bag... Time for the real work!

I put a lot of foundation and concealer. I put mascara on and put light eye shadow it matched my pale skin perfectly. I look like my mother... Short, curvy, green eyes, and straight light brown hair. I wasn't fat but I wasn't in no way a super model I loved my body. It was an hourglass figure! I couldn't escape her every time I looked in the mirror all I saw was her. Maybe that's my dad hit me, he's mad that I look like her angry like I'm trying to take her place. Or maybe he hit me because he pretended I was my mother, he was angry at her for leaving even though she couldn't control life. Maybe that's where his mind set goes.

I left my hair natural because it was straight and it always looked like i used a Flat iron when i do absolutely nothing to it! By the time I was finished it 9:30 time to go. I slowly walked down the steps and out the door as quietly as I could. My dad was passed out drunk on his reclining chair thank god! If he where to awaken it would only make things worse. I was out the door and looked both ways to make sure no one I knew was there. I then ran on to Broadway ave where I wish I could live... One day I WILL! I called my taxi driving friend and he took me to my dump of a high school.

On the way in I was greeted by my BFF Eleanor!

"Hey hows it goin..." She trailed off after she she took one look at me and she knew what happened.

We walked in silence to my homeroom she was the only one who knew about my father the only one.

The classroom jerk smiled at me and said "hey sexy" I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

He's been hitting on me since like the 7th grade. All I could think was "3more months... 3 more months until I get to try out for college ...3 more months until they say if they will except me... And then 2 years until I actually get to attend and get the hell out of here! 2 years and 3 more months until I wouldn't have to cover up for his mistakes.... 2years and 3 months!



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