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Harrys pov:

The doors where pushed open and in walked a small brunette. I couldnt help but notice how nervous she was. I was about to ask her some questions when one of my mangers cut in.

"Darcy right?" "Yes" "ok go ahead"

She stripped down to her dancing uniform and stood waiting for the music to start.

She began to move and my jaw dropped. I looked around to see if anyone had felt the same but everyone seemed to remain unaffected. I turned back and continued to stare once the music stopped I knew it then, she was perfect. The exact thing we where looking for.

"Ok we will let you know you can go now" Linsey, my manger, said dismissing her.

I turned to the boys " We need her!" "The girl?" "Yes shes perfect exactly what we need" Liam turned to me " No mate she isn't shes just like the other 50 dancers we saw today and the day before, nothing special. We need someone who will fit in with us. Not just a another pretty face"

I couldn't believe it. How in their right minds did they not feel the same. " Niall c'mon you gotta agree don't you?" "Zayn?" "Louis?" "Louis you agree right?" "Sorry mate, shes easy on the eyes, very easy." He said winking at me. I rolled my eyes and looked at Zayn as he continued "I say mess around with her have a little fun but shes not it." The boys patted my shoulder as they walked out the door. How did they not like her????

I sat back down and tried to replay her dancing. I've never seen such perfect movement, such grace. She knew exactly how to move. Her hips moved perfectly to the music and she had that wow factor.

The boys are crazy if they don't see it. Even her name was perfect Darcy, "Darcy" I whispered why did her name sound so familiar? I've herd it before I know I have.

I got up from the floor and ran to the car. She was perfect and its now my mission to prove that to the boys.

Darcy's Pov:

"Ok we will let you know you can go now" The taller lady said. I picked up my clothes and left. My heart sank. They didn't say anything. I picked up my phone and dialed Eleanor's number after 2 rings she picked up.

"Hey Darce, whats up? how was it?" I felt tears come to eyes. "Can you just come and get me please?" "ummmm yea of course" I hung up and walked over to the nearest bench waiting for El. I pulled my knees to my chest and fought back tears. I herd footsteps and when I looked up . I saw Harry run out of the building and run into a black car outside. As El pulled into the parking lot I had a million questions going through my mind. Was I really that bad?

After going over to El's and her trying to convince me that, "Ok we will let you know you can go now" can mean anything. I don't believe her. I know I wasn't what they wanted I did my best, After all I was nervous.

She dropped me off and I ran inside. I pulled a water out of the fridge and began to go to my room. I was stopped with my arm being yanked down the steps. My water flew into the air and I was on the ground greeted by my smiling father.

" Where are you going sweetie" he said with a disgusting grin. "u-upstairs" I stuttered. "Ummmm I don't think that's a good idea" "Where were you" " At Eleanors" I partly lie.

His hand swings up and punches my face. I yelp out and begin to cry. "You see, you never told me. Now why is it you have a phone if you don't Fuckin use it? Remind me again will you?" " Im sorry I didnt" I was cut off by his fist hitting my face again. I could feel the blood trickling down my jaw by now, I knew he did damage. "No excuses now get the fuck out of my face NOW"

I forced myself to get up with everything I had and walk up the stairs to my room. I quickly walk to the bathroom and spit the blood out. I end up throwing up twice. I rinse my mouth trying to get the taste of blood mixed with Throw up and shut the lights. I went under the duvet and thought about how this was the most horrible day.

But most of all I thought about how The boys looked. About how Harry looked. Then I realized... to me He's my world. The only thing that gets me through the day. The only thats keeping me alive at this point. He's my Superman; but to him i'm only...Her.

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