Here Goes Nothing...

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Ok again sorry if you got confused i was confused myself her name is Darcy Montgomery not Annabelle....


"Are you serious" "It cant be true" Eleanor screamed from the other end.

"Yes I cant wait do you think I can make it?" I asked sounding very insecure. "You can trust me" I herd the door unlock and I quickly ran to the stairs. My dad stumbled in tripping a few times. I herd cursing and ran back into my room locking the door.

"Crap dads home El ill text you later ok" "ok love you be safe" "love you to" I replied and hung up. I shut the lights and got under the duvet facing the wall. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep praying he wouldnt come in.


I woke up at 6:00 to the very loud very annoying sound of car horns. " crap" I whispered and tried to fall back into the deep sleep I came from.

With no use and 20 minutes of trying I got up. Once my feet touched the cold hard wood floors I got up and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water and striped off. I got in and let the hot water wash away my fears of the day that lays ahead. I ran a shaver down my legs and washed the vanilla shampoo out of my hair. I finally stepped out and shivered as a rush of cold air hit my face.

I walked into my room and scanned my draws for clothes. I put my dance uniform on then pulled out gray skinny dreams and a white shirt that has the words "Be Yourself" written in black and paired it with black flats. I went to the mirror and put on mascara and some blush with a little eyeliner. I pulled out my blow drier and quietly turned it on and started to blow dry my hair trying not to wake my father.

I then curled my hair, grabbed my bag and walked out the house.

I made my way over to the coffee shop and grabbed some coffee then made my way to school.

By the time I got there Eleanor was leaned against the fence. She was lip locking with some guy which I make a mental note to ask her about later. I walk up to them and cough they don't move so or notice my existence so I grab El's hair and pull her along.

"Ow that wasn't nice all you had to do was tap me" she complains " I did cough and you guys didn't hear so it was the next best thing." I defend. I look over at her. Shes wearing black tights and an oversized sweater red sweater and flats. " You look nice" I complement. " I did till you came along and messed up my hair" she wines and roll my eyes and noticed J pulled out her bun and it was now hanging off her shoulder. I roll my eyes and tell her to get over it before we depart to our classes.

The day went by painfully slow.

By the end of the day I meet El by her car and she drove me to her house.

We sat on her bed and began talking to pass the time. There was no way I was going to go back home and risk not going to the audition. " so who's the guy?" I ask "what guy" El says innocently. " The guy you where sucking face with this morning" "ohhh Mike nothing just a friend" I rolled my eyes " Friends don't play tug a war with their tongues"

El got up from the bed and grabbed her keys "oh look at the time we have to go" I jumped up an walked to the car. "This isn't over El".

We pulled up to the place and gave El and hug and she wished me good luck.

I took a deep breath and pulled the handle.

"Darcy" I said to the secretary. " Down the hall to the left" she said without looking up from her computer.

I walked down and opened the big red double doors.

Sitting on a long wooden table where two girls and the 5 five boys I love most. They stared at me as I walked to the center and I smiled.

"Darcy right" one of the taller ladies asked "Yes" ok go ahead she said and I pulled off my jeans and shirt and started the music.... Here goes nothing.

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