The Paper that changed my life

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  The school bell rang after what felt like ages! I rushed out the door and ran straight for my locker.   32...22...12. I quickly grabbed my books and headed straight out the front door. "Darcy"  Eleanor  yelled. ( sorry about the confusing I may have said her name was Annabelle it isn't its Darcy)

I turned around to my best friend who had a very worried expression on her face. She to was a dancer. We both had the same dream and I think she could make it, she is an AMAZING dancer!  " Yea El what's up?" I asked trying to act nonchalant. " Are you sure your gonna be ok? you know your always welcomed in my house for as long as you need even till you get your own place I don't mind!"  I looked at her putting on my best simile " no thanks I'm good thanks for the offer though I'm gonna be fine ok?" " Are you sure where are you gonna go now..." I cut her off I know she could keep going with all the questions she was like my mother and I was ok with that but right now I was in no mood for 21 questions.

" I don't know maybe to the dance studio or something but yes I'm sure ill be fine trust me ill call you if I need you ok?" " ok love you" she sighed I could tell she as worried as she hugged me tightly afraid of what would happen to me tonight. Were on the same boat I'm worried to.

She never understood why I never want to go live with her. I don't either she has her own place because she is 2 years older then I am so she is living by herself with plenty of room. I always thought about What it would be like. I know I can pay a small fee monthly from the job I work at in Hollister not that she would let me anyway. She's just amazing her simile could light up the room.  She was beautiful to. She had brown eyes with brown long wavy hair and the perfect body.

Eleanor knows how it feels to be me she's the only one. She two lost a parent. Her father died and her mother became abusive. ( I know that's not true but its just in my story so don't hate!)  She still has some bruises on her body that she covers daily. I'm the only one who has them. The only difference between the two of us is that she was strong enough to get out. I know I can to but I have this strange attachment to my father. I think it has to do with the fact that I have this crazy idea that I could change him. That one day he would wake up and go back to the father I used to know.... but in the real world that would never happen.

I sent one last simile to El and walked down the long hall way to the front entrance. I walked past the teachers who always  block the office entrance gossiping about the crazy events of their day. 

I walked to the end of the block and called a taxi. " Wadsworth Ave. please" we pulled up to the small brick beaten down building and after paying my fee I walked upstairs. 

" Hey Becky"  I greeted the receptionist " hey Darce came to clear your head" she replied without looking up from the paper work she was reading.  I love when people call me Darce so I smiled.  " you know me so well" I stated chuckling. 

I walked into the room and turned on my iPod to play no other then One  Direction as I scrolled through the songs I began to throw my ugg boots aside along with my dark washed skinny jeans and One Direction shirt. I was left in my dancing uniform.

As Summer Love began to play I let the music take over. I began to sway my hips to the beat and started to do my favorite moves. Soon after that C'mon C'mon started to play so I kept to dancing.

Just as the song ended Becky came walking in with a pink paper in her hand.  " hey Darce you like One Direction right?" my face lit up just by the mention of their name.  " duh their my life hence my obsession why?" I asked she handed me the paper in her hand. I looked down and my mouth dropped open. " hello are you ok maybe I should of gave you this when theres a doctor around" she waved her hand in front of my face and I screamed making her cover her hears." OMG OMG THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH I LOVE YOU YOUR AMAZING THANK YOU OMG OMG WHERE DID YOU GET THIS?..." she cut me off " I found it in the middle of my paper work are you gonna do it?" " HELLLLL YEAAAAA"  I screamed jumping on her and hugging the life out of her. she similed wished me god luck then went to punch out.

I stared at the paper still in shock. On the pink paper written in big black letters read..,.


I rushed to put on my clothes then ran to the bench outside passing a laughing Becky. I pulled out my phone and I dialed as my hand began to shake. 205...214...0236

It rang three times before a male with a thick British accent picked up.  " hello" " hi I called to make an appointment to be a dancer for One Direction" I said making it sound more like a question my voice started to shake. " oh cool my manger isn't here right now this is Harry but I wont make you call back ill make on for you. Whats your name love?" I was screaming on the inside Harry Styles is really talking to me. " Darcy Montgomery" " Beautiful name love, how does Thursday at 6 sound?" he asked " I simile and said " Perfect thanks" " bye beautiful" "bye" I screamed

10 seconds later I began to scream and dialed Eleanor's number

" hello" she answer sounding very tired. " your never gonna believe what just happened to me!" I began.....


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