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Harry's P.O.V

"Are you ready yet Haz?" Zayn called from the front door.

"I'm coming." I responded grabbing my coat from my bed. Zayn held out his hand for me to take with his award winning smile and I did.

"Thanks for coming to this. I know how your feel about sports." He said walking me to his car.

"You're welcome." I said quietly buckling in. He started up the car and started driving down the street.

"Did you bring your hat?" He asked giving me a side glance. I checked my pockets and looked around me.

"No, I forgot." I admitted, my cheeks burning in embarrassment.

"Good thing I brought an extra." He smiled again.

"Thank you." I sighed putting my head against the cold foggy window. I watched as the trees and cars whizzed by. When we stopped I admire the white frost sprinkled on the trees and grass. Soon our school appears on the side of the rode and the field also. We park and get out the car.

"Come on Haz." He said ushering me to the field and handing me the spare hat. I put over my head snugly. The soccer (AN: I'm American so yea) players ran up and down the field, some messing around and others chatting. We sat down on the ice cold benches. I scooted closer to Zayn as the winter bitterly whipped.

"You know how I'm on break for this week? Well I don't like to lack, so I like to come to practice and watch."

"Oh. You're really good." I mentioned.

"Thanks." He said focusing on the game. I got the memo he was actually trying to watch the practice and I was being annoying, so I stopped talking. I tried to be interested in what they were doing, but it just wasn't appealing to me. What was so entertaining about a bunch of guys kicking around a ball?But for Zayn, I sat through two long hours of this. More like napped through it, same thing.

"It's over. Wake up Haz." He said shrugging the shoulder I was laying on.

"Hm? Oh okay." I said slowly getting up.

"Zayn!" I heard a voice call.

"Tommo!" He yelled back to the figure jogging over to us. As the person got closer, my heart jumped in my throat.

"Missed you in practice Malik." He said in a raspy voice. Sweat matted his hair to his forehead. His grey undershirt stuck to his sweaty body, showing off his abs. He ran a hand through his brown fringe. I must've been drooling.

"Yeah, I'm sure you missed me handing your ass on a platter." He teased. Rarely Zayn cursed, but when he did it was always jokingly.

"You wish, sadly I am the captain of this team and to get there I had to kick all of your butts at one time." He chuckled his eyes crinkling up at the ends.

"You'll see. One day I'll rule this team."

"Maybe in your dreams."

"Whatever you say. I gotta go, see you tomorrow." He said getting up with me and walking away from the most amazing like boy I've ever seen.

"Wait. Who's this?" He asked. My stomach fluttered at the mention of me.

"This is Harry." He introduced. He looked at me and softly smiled and I swear I almost melted right there.

"Hi Harry. I'm Louis." He introduced. Louis. I awkwardly smiled back.

"What grade are you in?" He asked.

"11th." I mumbled biting my lip.

"That's cool. I'll see you around Harry." He said waving. I looked at the ground as it was the most interesting thing I've seen.

"You okay, you're looking a little pink." Zayn asked as we walked towards the car.

"I'm fine." I lied. How was I suppose to be okay after meeting the most beautiful human alive?


I'm writing these chapters ahead of time so yeah. I love this book already. The authors note will probably be brief. Thanks for reading.


Flower CrownsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora