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(4th period)

Harry's P.O.V

"You okay?" Zayn asked me.

"Yeah." I said fixing my flower crown. I felt sort of self-conscious around Zayn. He was absolutely flawless next to me. He looked liked a model with his black beanie, leather jacket, band t-shirt, skinny black ripped up jeans and boots. I still don't understand why he hangs around me.

"I have a test and a project to work on in the next two periods test, so I'll be late meeting you to lunch. You're going to be okay?" He asked walking me to my locker. I grabbed my books and nodded.

"I'll be fine." I said walking towards my class.

"Hey." He said pulling my arm. I stopped in my tracks when he pulled me to his chest.

"Be careful." He said hugging me tight. I blushed as people walking by gave me disgusted looks. Disgusted by someone as perfect as Zayn actually being seen with me.

"It's only two periods." I shrugged when he let me go, although I knew what happened last time between two periods. I came home with bruises covering my body, a busted lip and a black eye. When Zayn found out, he was mortified. He found the guys who did it he left them in a pool of their own blood. He's not a violent person it just seems he is when someone tries to beat me up. Which happens often and I make sure to thank him for that.

"Yeah, you're right." He assures himself more than me.

"I'll see you later." He said waving and I did the same. I pulled my books to my chest and quickly walked down the hall to get to class. I keep my head down, so I don't get noticed as easily. People continually bump in to me roughly make my crown fall off my head a few times. Finally, I got to my class and sat in the back. I put my books down onto the ground watching everybody file in.

"Don't get too comfortable class, after we check our homework, we're going to mingle with the seniors for a partner project." She announced opening her book. Everybody simmered down and it was quiet and the only thing I could hear was my heartbeat in my ears. Seniors? Louis. Louis was a senior. I could be partnered with Louis. If I get lucky...I have a 1 out of 35 chance.

"Okay, did everybody do there homework?" She asked, though I'm sure she new the answer. Murmurs of '(very few) yes' and (a lot) 'no's erupted from the class. Some didn't even answer.

"Thought so. Number one. What is the main problem in To Kill A Mockingbird?" She asked scanning the class. My mouth felt dry as soon as her eyes landed on me.

"Ah, Harry. Can you answer the question?" She asked encouragingly. This is my best class and she knew it. I knew the answer automatically, but I don't want to tell everyone else that.

"Harry?" She asked again softly and I continued to stare at my desk.

"Of course the faggot can't answer! What? Too much dick in your mouth or something?" The guy a few rows ahead of my viciously spit. The class erupted in laughter and I sunk down in my chair. My face burned in embarrassment.

"Trevor! Principal's office now!" The teacher yelled at him. He glared at me angrily, but obliged to the teachers orders.

"We actually don't have time to finish the homework. Just turn it in and walk over in a orderly manner to the 12th grade room." She instructed with a sigh. Everybody rushed out the door, leaving there papers on the floor. Most of them undone. I was the last person in the room except for the teacher. She sighed heavily, bending over to pick up the papers. I helped her gather them on her desk.

"Thanks. You're a good kid Harry, with good grades. Don't be so quiet." She said touching my arm softly. I nodded my head respectfully, and walked over to the next classroom. I'll end up being partners with Zayn. I'm not complaining though, he gets good grades and is really good with projects. I walked into the room and saw everyone talking with their partner except Zayn. And Louis.

"Hey Haz, partners again?" He asked walking towards me. I saw Louis looking around for someone, probably his girlfriend. When we made eye contact my stomach did flips. And than when he started walking towards me, I felt my nerves really kick in. I looked back at Zayn and nodded.

"Hey Zayn, Harry." He said in his soft, but gravely voice.

"Hi." I said quietly looking at my feet.

"Hey, who's your partner?" Zayn asked.

"I don't seem to have one." He shrugged.

Louis' P.O.V

I declined many offers from more than half of the class, but I wanted to be partners with only one person. Just to get to know him, that's all.

"Could I be in your group?" I suggested. Harry, still looking at the ground smiled softly. I had to bite my lip to contain myself.

"Sure, you okay with that Haz?" Zayn asked putting his hand on his back. Haz? That's cu--nice. He nodded his head, making his flower crown fall off. I've only seen girl's wear them, but he looks better than any girl I've seen. I meant in a flower crown. Not in general. I mean he's not ugly definitely not....Anyways, I bent down to pick it up and he did too and we bumped noses and foreheads. He let out the tiniest giggle, showing his dimples which were to die for. Our eyes met and he quickly pulled away blushing.

"Lou?" Zayn waved a hand in front of my eyes.

"Yeah-um so the project is that we have to write a song with instruments." I explain to Harry. His cheeks were still pink.

"Like...singing?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah and an instrument."


"Alright! Split back into your grades and go to your next classes, you'll have more time tomorrow!" The teacher announced. I didn't want him to leave....we didn't talk about the project. Yep.

"So I'm going to be late to lunch. I'll be there though. How was class?" Zayn asked Harry. He whispered in his ear about his class him guessing. Why is my blood boiling?

"That's good. And maybe you should take her suggestion? I have to go. See you later." He said hugging him tightly. He was engulfed in Zayn's considerably bigger arms.

"Bye." He said kissing his cheek. Zayn smiled walking away. I felt on fire. I felt angry. But why?

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Bye Harry." I said coming in for a hug only to be rejected. He backed away from me with worried eyes, hurrying out the door. And now why did I feel hurt and betrayed?


Heyo. Aw poor Louis. :*( he was rejected. I think Zayn and Harry's friendship in this book is adorable! I love it. Still pre writing..,.. :)


Flower CrownsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora