Part 12

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Athanasia stared at her basket that was supposed to be full of chocolates only to see a few left. She was to sneak them for herself and her sister but had to postpone because of her cavities.

She felt it unfair because Ana wasn't able to have cavities, however, Ana had some eating issues with pastas.

Yes, pasta. Any kind.

And speaking of which, Ana sat by her balcony with a plate of carbonara she asked for. And hmm... She felt it was heavenly. Jessica's cooking is amazing!

As both sisters minded their own business with Ana on her balcony, enjoying her two plates of pasta. In constant silence, she could stay here all day and enjoy the peace and relaxation.

The door BANGed wide open as the intruder came in, while Ana panicked when her plate jumped from her hand. She sent an annoyed look to whoever entered and was about to open her mouth.

Great, she jinxed herself... again.

"I want to go see papa." Athy said... demanded rather.

Anastasia turned to her and raised an eyebrow, "Yeah? And what does it have to do with me?"

She deadpanned, "Don't tell me you ruined my peace for me to accompany you to the Garnet palace? Or visit papa?"

Two years passed, and we both got to address our father "papa" even if it's just the two of us.

Athy muttered a small sorry, just looked at her and she sighed before immediately stuffing the remaining pasta in her mouth. Totally forgetting her etiquette lessons.

With that said, we skip to the part where she and her sister arrived at the Garnet palace. Claude sits on the couch, sipping his tea.

"You're here." He stated the obvious.

"Papa! Athy and Ana's here!" Both chorused and they jogged towards him.

"Nowadays, you just come and go as you two please, don't you." He commented. His daughter who got his golden hair spoke nonchalantly, "Well we are your daughters and we go to see you as we please because we miss you, don't we?"

He stared at her for a moment, before raising his cup a little more fast than it should be to his mouth. But that didn't stop Anastasia to snatch a glimpse of his lips twitching that she inwardly smirked.

Athanasia found it amusing that her sister was able to catch up with their father. At first she thought it was a bad idea to do some "provoking" towards Claude but somehow, her sister's charms worked well.

But now that she thought about it. During those two running years, she observed something about her sister. She was still sweet as a child but more matured, well they both have the set of adults but yeah.

The thing was, that there was one time she found her sister acting like a mini Claude.

That was when a newbie of a noble woman that worked for them as a maid treated Athy quite belittled because of having a "commoner blood" that runs in their veins. The woman had the irony with gentle words but her actions were spiteful as an ogre's spit. 'Cuz when the maid was holding a bucket filled with dirty water from cleaning it "spilled" over the two of them. It wasn't the first time when she was picking on the kids but it was the last and final straw.

Anastasia snapped.

Her eyes dimmed and would emit a glowing purple from her eyes. The icy glare that somehow resembled Claude.

No one knew what happened to the maid after what she did. And the maids could only think that Claude has to do with it.

The maid being mean to the princesses was known by some of the maids but never reached Lily, thus no one spoke. It wasn't because they were on that maid's side but because a threat exists. And now she's gone, they can breathe in relief for a second before Cluade has asked some people to interrogate about who was with the maid's side.

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