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Tell me where to go , Indie Anthony —

The days got a little more chillier with each new sun. Frosted and raw, a bitter breeze swooping through skyscrapers that mirrored clouds shapes. A hazy lull kept feet swift and coats tight. Beanies and umbrellas took to the head and lips parted to sigh a warm breath. Lick lips wet, being so dry, and George brings himself to wet his lips with his tongue, savouring the warmth for a nanosecond.

Central Park was busy in summer, the saccharine sunshine soaked skin. It was kind, not too humid like sunshine state: Florida. Where he knew Dream was from. Fuck.

He shakes the thought away. Holding onto his arms and pulling the puffer jacket into his body, the knitted sweater underneath doing little to keep him warm, and his jeans wanting to pierce him like ice.

George wasn't necessarily a gloves person, yet now wool clung around his fingertips and he at least was glad for that. Though rosy cheeks pestered him, numb with the bite of the wind, he persevered.

Central Park was scarce in winter. A stark contrast to that of spring and summer, where the joggers keep to the gyms, and bikes are chained away for the meantime. When snow falls in December through march, it is another story entirely. And George is now aware how cold it is in Fall. 

"George!" A hand wave, a girl and her cheery smiles, rosy cheeks and an abundance of happy. He's  glad he managed to find his way to his friends, and two boys seat themselves at the bench where Tina stands.


"Cold isn't it?" Tina groans, and she hugs her friend, arms falling around Georges middle as she squeezes him close. They're pulling apart when she remembers something. "Oh! I invited Karl too! Do you know Karl?" George nods, he'd seen him with Sapnap a couple of times. "Great! No introductions then, unless you don't know this fine gentleman too." She winks to Callahan, who only blinks and shies away red.

With laughs and chilled bodies, goosebumps rising and hairs standing, they decide maybe they aren't cut out for New Yorks weather, and instead perhaps they could find somewhere for sanctum.

"Ohh, what about Patsy's?" Karl suggests, and Tina's beanie pompom bounces as she claps with delight.

"Yes! Oh my gosh I could so do with Patsy's. Calla? Good. George?" George nods. "Good. Off we go!" Tina takes Karls hand, pointing out in the direction of Patsy's.

"Tina." George cocks his head to the side, Callahan standing beside him with a sly smile and shake of his head. Tina pivots, looking at him gently. "Patsy's back this way." He points behind him. She frowns, she points off in the direction of Georges thumb and off they go with amused smiles and embarrassed laughs.

"I feel like Pepperoni." Karl sighs, palms against the table as he decides. The blue sign swung outside on it's hinges, the sound pestering George as he raked through the menu with lingering glances. They were hidden away from the now rain, behind green walls chipping and white font italics. Music swung through the air and their table of four kept the air warm. Unlike outside where the raw, honest wind picked up like a hurricane.

Their pizzas come out and theres thank you's all around. Though Tina is mindful of the way the waitress watches her best friend beside her, where he takes no mind and is too busy staring Callahan down for their shared pizza.

"Anything else?" She asks, and Tina shakes her head, the girl frowns. "What about for you all?"

George looks up, and the waitress puffs her chest out with a quiet smile. No one seems interested with anything else other than their divine courses of cheesy garlic and tomato sauce, pepperoni slices and assorted spice.

"Er. No thanks." He answers and the girl guiltily walks away.

"Dude she was so into you." Karl whispers, and George laughs awkwardly, not liking the attention enough. He could feel green eyes watching him in the back of his head, he shakes the thought away quicker than lightning.

"Sure. No she wasn't. Anyway- Hey Callahan, that was my fucking piece!"

"Hey George." Tina smiles kindly, George frowns, knowing somethings up.

"Hi Tina..." He drawls out, eyes flicking amongst the group. 

"So you and Dream are friends now?" She asks, mouth full of pizza, yet he could understand her half sloppy gibberish and he groans, eyebrows dipped and the corners of his lips downturned.

He wondered if.

He wondered if Dream would kiss the corners of his lips the same way Ruby kissed his when he frowned.

He shook the thought away.

"I'm not friends with him. I've never even talked to him outside of the cafe- Oh, Callahan don't give me that look." Callahan raises a brow and shrugs.

"What!? Calla! What happened!?"

"Dream shared his notes with George when he fell asleep. Got him out of Mrs Darcy's harsh detentions." Karl chimes in, ratting out George. George hated that Karl sat at the back of his English Lit. class just to observe people.

"You guys are friends. Shut up, George. You need more friends anyway." Tina snickers and the brunette beside her deadpans. 

"We've only talked like, four times. I don't even know anything about him besides his first name and... actually thats it. And to be honest knowing someones name isn't really anything." George rolls his eyes, his lips pressed together in annoyance. Tina leans back in her chair, she thinks for a second before sighing.

"You two have natural chemistry though — George. Not like that. " Her hands clasp together as she finishes, head bowing to check her phone as a notification rings out from her lap. 

Theres silence as Tina reads and George doesn't bother responding, Callahan seems invested in making online reviews on Patsy's and Karl observes everyone, reading the room with a glance and downturned lips.

He notices the way George is deep in thought already. He wonders what he's thinking about, wonders what thoughts plague the mind of the football jock. Though, George wasn't much of a jock when he had his academic grades going up rather than plummeting. 

Lips part slightly, "He's out of my league." George swallows, biting down on his bottom lip as hands fidget.

Karl looks up, "If he's out of your league, then he must think you're out of this world." 

— authors note —

least favourite chapter so far but karl is in it so who cares!!

also... for my readers of realities desperation.. do you all remember the plot twist in chapter 17? or was it 18. idk

anyway. i was writing last night and oh. my. god. you all will HATE me.

ANYWAY. thank you for 800 reads??? bruh i love u guys. also i very much love my daily updates but if i start running low on drafts ill only post once or twice a week so apologies.

love you all and have a good day/night :)<3

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