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Happiness , Starry Cat —

Practice ended early because of the rain, which isn't the norm but with the fields slowly becoming more muddy and Quackity already benched for a sprained ankle, Coach Phil called it quits.

George and Quackity stood waiting for their two best friends to leave the locker room before suspicions rose.

"Maybe they're making out." The bencher – Quackity said subtly, throwing a sly smile to the brunet who beside him, stood dumbfounded. Though George's expression quickly morphed into annoyance and he leaned against the brick wall, just as the other was doing.

"It's been two days. " He deadpanned, George, with narrowed coffee brown's that stained, lingered on the other boys figure. "Im pretty sure they're not going to be fucking in the locker room already."

The other hummed, hands diving into the pockets of his letterman, "It's Sapnap ."

George thought for a moment, and then he bit on his tongue and chewed on the inside of his cheek. "You have a point." He mumbled, and the rain fell lighter.

They decided to leave, wasting no time to pull out umbrellas over New York's facade of weather, where the winter was raw and ruthless, bitter like the personalities of the people themselves. And Quackity found himself walking George to Parma Violet, where it was slightly busier than normal for the reason of rush hour and weather.

"So, you've been unusually quiet." George smiled, looking at his friend and giving him a slight nudge on the arm. "Is everything okay?"

The boy walking beside him only bowed his head, inhale wobbling and exhale sharp. "Nothing, it's just- well it is something?" He turned to George, "I saw what Dream did for you the other night, getting you out of that situation, with that awful jerk." He scoffed at the thought, George frowned. "And him pretending to be your boyfriend, or whatever. And then I saw you guys watching Ruby, and then well, you ... you left together?" He rambled, indirectly asking a question with choked up words.

George choked, on saliva or just Quackity's words in general as he sucked in a tight breath, " Oh my God. No! Jesus, Quackity. Nothing happened."

"Are you telling me the truth? Cause what normal friend pretends to be the other's boyfriend, instead of just dragging them out?"

Ah. He caught him there. George held his umbrella tighter, feeling the weight of rain over shelter.

"We kissed. Not at the party, on the way to."

"So, when you were sober." It came out as more of a statement than a question, and so George nodded and thought nothing more of the fact that they were sober, they kissed with the intention of doing so.

He tilted his head at the red light, deep in thought, still a mistake , he thought.

"You can't tell a soul. Not Sapnap, or Dream, or Ruby, or Bad's dog." George warned, and Quackity looked shocked for a moment.

"Ruby doesn't know? I– Honestly would've thought that was the reason they're on break." He chuckled, looking heavenwards to skyscrapers and mirrored glass, fog and cloud, dark, nearly navy night that enveloped them and every bystander in what was twinkling stars and fateful weeks worth of winter rain and snow.

George shook his head, the light remained red for pedestrians. He thought nothing of it and only saw more time to find a way to string his words together before they neared his cafe.

"So, i'm guessing she cheated too then?"


Quackity laughed, "Well, come on. He can't get mad at her for cheating because she is, therefore can't break things off and therefore, only resulting in a break. She cheated right?"

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