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"Yah those are mine" Taehyung raised his voice at Yoongi as he had grabbed his chips from him.

"Not anymore" Yoongi just simply said, the tease completely vivid on his (a/n:Handsome) face.

"That is so not okay give them back, " Tae said this time completely pouting

"They are in my hands now, not yours so they aren't going to come back even if you try ...." he was cut off by Tae

"Give them" Tae said this time standing up from the marble kitchen counter he was sitting on to stand on the floor as he was to launch at him

"Whoa are you going to fight your elder and besides this was the only flavor left and i was craving it just let it pass" Yoongi told him before he did anything and finished his statement as he walked away.

Jimin watching the scene just laughed at Taehyung and patted him on the shoulder as Tae himself just looked at the walking away Hyung with a deflated expression, mouth slightly ajar.

"Its life Tae don't worry" Jimin just added a pinch of salt to his unbeliebubble  expression as he walked to go grab a bottle of water. 

As he reached the other side of the counter he noticed Namjoon glued to his phone and stupidly smiling which was suspicious. Jimin tiptoed past the refrigerator and went on to balance himself on the edge of the counter and got on his tiptoes so as to sneak a pic to what his hyung was idiotically grinning to. 

Namjoon sitting on the counter stools on the other side did not notice a thing as he kept on typing on his phone. He had his back facing the counter as he rested his elbows on it for a comfortable posture as he happily chatted on his gadget. Finally Jimin leaned in from the other side his abdomen pressing onto the edge of the counter. He was so close to getting a good view of what was on that screen when a suddenly a clanking sound was heard and  Namjoon quickly  snapped his head back to look behind him and found and tiptoed and leaning Jimin and he just gave him a surprised look.

Jimin had knocked off a metal fork unintentionally and it ruined everything. Taehyung who was just watching everything had a huge grin on his face.

"What are you doing" Namjoon finally asked

"Nothing" he said clearing his throat as he stood properly and going to back to the fridge to get his water. 'Maybe if i had gotten the water first in the first place then sneaked up to him it would have been a different ending' Jimin thought to himself

"Were you..." Namjoon gasped in disbelief but then smiled. "I thank that fork" he said going to join the others in the lounge.

"Tsk tit for tat" Tae snickered feeling victorious about the incident

Jimin just rolled his eyes at him and gulped his water down 


"Hyung" Jungkook called out to Namjoon

"I have been meaning to ask" he paused for a moment "Why are you always on your phone and smiling...." he cleared his throat "Well i don't mean to be rude or disobedient but um..."

"Look whose talking about obedience" Yoongi scoffed but Jungkook ignored

"Anyway......., Always smiling idiotically on your phone whilst texting" he said it fast

"Nothing" Namjoon was at loss of words 

"Pft" Hoseok scoffed

"I will just be enjoying the conversation going on" he tried to make up something realist

"For someone like you, n all honestly you are a terrible liar" Jin simply said and proceeded  to watch his show on the TV.


"You know what Tae my friend" Jimin suddenly said and Tae eyed his suspiciously

"Where are you going with this, in-fact what are you up to"

"Am up to nothing but well just wanted to say" Jimin took a bag from a drawer and waved them at him......"I hid a packet afraid that i was going to find all the bags finished which so happened and i was willing to give you these as i saw what Yoongi hyung did but now i completely have second thoughts" he said opening them and munched on one chip

Taehyung in complete utter shock defeat and felt betrayed. "Jimin what, why , ho..." he got interrupted by his phone buzzing. He took it out to look at the caller ID. 

"When did i ever put this phone on silent and vibration" he questioned no one "Ohw we are on a break and i did not want disturbances" he said this time directing it to Jimin. "Its my mom"



"Taehyung my boy"

"How are you doing"  he smiled widely

"Am good and so is your dad" she smiled

"That's good to hear"

"What's good about it" she pretended to be in confusion

"Mom" Tae rolled his eyes and she laughed lightly

"What made my sweet mother call"

"Oh yes, Tae" she said worried this time

"What's wrong?"

"It's Yeontan"

"What happened to him?"

"Aish child let me finish" Tae silenced and she sighed

"He was limping the other day and we thought he was hurt lightly and was going to be fin but the limping got worse and we took him to the vet but he said he can't quite figure what the cause is and we took him to another and still the same"

"So how is it now" he asked more worried  and Jimin was now looking at him in concern as he munched down the chips

"He won't let his left hind leg won't touch the ground and i'm worried"

"Okay am coming over there to get him and try some other Vets" 

"Okay see you son"

"Bye mom and greet dad for me"

End call

As soon as he hit the end call button Jimin asked if everything was okay and he told him and with that he ran upstairs to get changed.

Everyone in the lounge saw him run up with a troubled expression and gave questioning looks. As Jimin came to view of the other members they all fired him with the same question besides Yoongi who added on with something.

"What's wrong with Taehyung and were did you get those chips"

Jimin just shook his head at him and went back to tell the others the story behind Tae's worry. As he came back down Jimin Volunteered to go along with him.

"Am coming with you" he said it more of a whether you like it or not am coming and Tae did not argue... and with that they left


Hope its okay 'cause well it was just a run through and get over with it


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