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"Sweetcake" Jimin called and you ignored

"And after that i simply feel like sleeping forever" you told Hoseok as you both leisured in the dining room

"That's unhealthy" he responded

"Is it though?" you pretended to be dumb and you both laughed

"Baby girl" he called again

"Are you going to keep ignoring him?, you know he might not stop" Hoseok asked

"I made it clear for him not to call me that and today ain't one of the days either i don't really put it into mind or pay attention to it nor am i not on earth, it's simply irritating me so yes i am"

"On earth?"

"Don't ask hyung don't" you shut your lips tight

"Yy/nn!" he finally said a bit annoyed

"Yes Jimin" you simply responded and he came into view in the dining area. "How may i be of your assistance" you gave an office smile

"How many times did i call you?" he cocked his brow

"Once just now, did you call me more than that? Hoseok hyung did you hear anything before this?" you innocently asked him and he looked at you for a few seconds and blinked.

"I don't know, i think i should get going" he quickly uttered standing up to flee the scene and you wanted to laugh but kept it together, so now it was Jimin and you left.

He sat on the chair to your right on the length side of the table and you were sat on the width side that occupies only one chair. Leaning on the table, balancing with your elbows and intertwining your fingers, you looked at Jimin and smiled.

"So.. what may i be of help to you Mr Park?" you raised a questioning brow.

Jimin sat there and stared at you, scanned you and then looked back into your eyes and finally let out an 'Are you serious' scoff

"I called you more than once Y/n" he breathed

You shrugged your shoulders letting your hands lay on the table. "And if i called you out like perv! Would you have answered" you looked at him expression waiting for a response.

He thought over it for a few seconds and looked back at you and lightly laughed, "You are too witty" he playfully pointed at you and his expression went dark in a split second "but I would have proved to be one afterward"

You just looked at him and didn't respond then sighed. Resting your back on the chair and having your hands rest on your thighs you simply asked not wanting to deal with his scenarios right now. "What did you want me for?"

"Ohw yeah good question" he smiled "I realised you got back to the routine of you coming to spend the day here and going back home and that stuff and i thought 1. It's a waste of money 2.-"

"Well, that waste of money is also Soobin's source of income" you simply stated

He looked at you with an expression which you read as 'don't anger me' and a hint of jealousy and you wanted to laugh and snicker at the same time.

"Calm yourself down Jimin, he hit on me a long time ago bef...." You paused when he frowned even more

"Is that supposed to help?" he stuck out his right cheek and his eyes shot bullets you were pretty sure they would magically shoot Soo at the moment.

"Oh wow, i never really thought i would see you worked up like getting jea-" you paused again when he gave you an eye that said 'i dare you to say it'

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