Sulking and Couple Fight

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Interrogation pt2

Tae and Jungkook could no longer take were this scene head to so they got out of the kitchen and went to join the others in the lounge.


"Why are you two sulking"- Yoongi questioned.

"When can I also find my partner?" Taehyung said with a sigh throwing himself on the couch next to Hoseok

"I agree or maybe they should get their own place" Jungkook was consent with Tae and added on with another suggestion, sitting himself on the floor and leaning his back on the couch Namjoon was sitting on which was facing the one Tae and Hoseok were.

"Maybe and we will be visiting and sometimes them visiting but I think soon he's going to permanently move to his house that he bought a long time ago" Tae

"At least now he has a reason to finally move in there he won't be lonely or anything like that" Jungkook

"What on earth are the both of you sulking and obliging to?" Hoseok questioned in befuddlement to what the two youngest were being so agreeable to.

"Jimin mov...." Jungkook got interrupted when you came running in the lounge and sat beside Yoongi on the usual spot and Jimin following behind with a processing face expression to what just happened.

"What's up with you? You look like you have been defeated in your own game" Jin sitting on the single sofa questioned Jimin who seemed lost in his thoughts.

"Cause I was"

Jin laughed clapping his hands together "By?"


"On what?"

"Getting that meat whilst I clearly told her.." Jin interrupted him

"How?" he laughed

"Forget it" with that Jimin sat down on the carpet and rested his back on the sofa you were sitting on. He was right beside your legs.

"Y/n how you been?" Namjoon

"Fine, great as always, you?"

"I'm good"

"Jimin" you poked his shoulder lightly and he looked up at you giving you his attention..."I'm suddenly bloated without even taking a second piece, weird, anyways here you can have it back" you handed him the plate but he did not take it.

"No I am also stuffed too.."

"Can you take it to the fridge for me then please" you kindly asked

"No take it yourself you brought it whilst I told you you're not going to have it and you were snub so no"

"Jimin" you whined

"No, that is not going to change anything take it yourself"

"But I can't walk anymore because I'm so full, distended"

"Me too" he simply said

"If I say carry me to the kitchen will you?"

"I would but I am too stuffed I will fall"

"Then in that case we both get injured and get scars"

Jimin looked at you in disbelief "Are you joking me right now?.." You honestly and simply said 'No'. He got speechless and blinked at you in skepticism.

"Are you two love birds done" Hoseok chimed

You both looked at him and snapped "No!" in unison then you looked back at each other glaring and you looked back at Hoseok and said "Yes" in unison again and looked back at each other and pierced into each others eyes, then you finally spoke

"You know you owe me" you slightly threatened  ..

"No I don't" he gave you a furrowed eyebrow questioning your change of tone

"Yes you do". . .

"For what?" . . .

"You shall see babe" you emphasized babe dramatically and you stared sharply at each other.

"O..w..k..a..y, seems you are done now" Jin said..



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