Fuck the system

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Your clothes are chosen by superiors you don't know
So is your food choice
People who rank higher than you still rank low and they are only given the illusion of choice
On occasion, a person whose power is beyond that of the highest person regularly at your current location will come and rank your location based on a set of rules you don't fully understand
This person may ask you to show proof of your dedication to the group
You can't leave, we'll find you and force you back if you do
People who speak out against this system are punished at best, and suffer lifelong consequences for doing so.
You are not allowed to sleep, to eat, even to go to the bathroom outside of certain times, which you do not decide
Even when you are allowed to return to your normal life, you are expected to work for your organisation
It stops when they say it does
Your fun is limited to your eating times, better be good at multitasking.
Asking for help is often ignored, needing assistance is frowned upon. You're slowing everyone else down.
You pay them plenty, but you have no idea where the money goes. You certainly don't see any improvements.
If your peers hurt or harass you, you should tell someone. No, not them, they don't care. Not them either, this isn't their job. Not them either, they're busy checking on their subordinates.
You have friends, then your schedules change and suddenly you're very alone.
Optional learning opportunity (mandatory)
If you want to be rich and famous you should join us. Join us anyway, we pay others for your attendance and they need the money so much.
Here is a bigger version of us. You have been serving them through us the whole time. Why not serve them directly? They need the money to make more smaller versions. They will make you very prestigious.

Weird how much the boiled down description of school sounds like a cult, isn't it?

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