Against the wall - Nate (Skate) Maloley

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I am currently flying back to California after a few months being home in UK. Last time when I was in Cali, I have met a lot of great people from You tube community, music industry, and such. I wouldn't consider myself as a youtuber, for now I am just trying to become one. The guys that helped me promote my channel  are Jack and Jack, Sam and Nate. I had a few moments on the stage and as nervous as I always am, I was really scared to go on the stage alone.. I didn't have anything planned, I wasn't even sure that I will be able to go on the stage. As I was panicking on the back of the bus while everyone else were at the stage, Nate came and talked with me. He even made a agreement with me. That if I go up on the stage, he will go with me and he will buy me a Oreo blizzard after the show. And who am I to say no to Oreo blizzard, so I agreed. And that's when it all started, after those few minutes on the stage, after our little date after show, eating Oreo blizzards, laughing, and talking until the morning, I felt something. As I spent a month in Cali, we hang out every day, I would go with him to the studio, I would fall a sleep eventually there, he would let me make him hair styles for a video, we would share really intimate moments but nothing happened. We never kissed, we never did anything and I really wanted to kiss him. When I was leaving, he came to say goodbye and we didn't stay in touch. As much as it hurts, I got over it. 


I landed a few hours ago, checked to my hotel room and went out. I am at some party and I am hanging out with some of my friends.. There is no alcohol in USA and that's why I love UK more, endless drink for 18 years old. Even If I don't want to accept the fact, all I am looking for tonight is to see his face, to scream at him, and yell for being a jerk that he is. And I see him, I can see him right now. He entered the room and he made an eye contact with him, I tensed on his look, and I turned my head different way. Why would I do childish thing like this? Because he is bigger child then you, my voice said. 

"Hey Mia, you are here.. " I hear Jack J scream in my ear. 

"God, you are louder than ever.. " I open my arms to hug him. He was my favorite besides Nate. Jack is a sweetheart, he is that one friend who is hot as fuck but also that one friend that doesn't use that to get to people, he uses his personality and it does work good for him. 

"I missed you.. " I said, still hugging him.. "I know, Mia, I did miss you too." He said, making a pause and coming closer to my ear.. "I need to ask you for a favor.." He started. "Nate really want's to talk to you and he is in the first room on the left upstairs.."  He stops, taking a breath. " Can you do that, if not for him, for me?" He continued letting go of hug and giving me his baby face that would work on me even if he asked me to kill someone for him. "Okay." and I left.. 


I knock on the door and slowly enter the room..

"Hi.." He says, not looking to me..

"Hey.." I don't feel my legs right now.. 

"Why did you turn when you saw me?" He said standing and facing me right now. I can see his eyes and his lips, and I can see how tired he is.. 

"I didn't know that you know me.. " I said sarcastically. 

"Why would you say that?" He asked and he looked so clueless or maybe dumb. Dumb. He looked dumb.

"Oh, you don't know?" I asked him , crossing my hands over my chest. 

And he didn't answer..

"So we spent a month together, every day, I leave and you forget that I exist.."

 I made a pause, waiting for him to answer, but he didn't, he just looked at me..

"Do you remember the scared girl on the back of the bus, the girl that you helped get over fear and than you took her to ice cream place and talked to her whole night?" I asked.

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