✄ s.universe ⇢ drivers license

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prompt: summer ended. school started, and steven is missing you. he finally found an excuse to put his drivers license to use.

warnings: gender neutral!reader [no pronouns stated], established relationship, reader is in their final year of high school!


edited: 12/18
words: 677


It was late. Way too late for you to be studying at such an hour like this, but with your mind wired awake with worry about passing the semester finals, you mind as well spend it studying for it. You never thought you'd be putting so much time into such a task, but this was your last year of high school-you want to finish it strong! Besides, you'd be going into college soon, and you need good grades if you want to get into good colleges. And if that meant less time away from Steven, then so be it.

You sigh at the thought of your sweet, sweet boy. When you told him you needed to spend most of your free time studying, he didn't complain. In fact, he encouraged it! And although you're happy he's given his support, a side of you wished he put up a little fight for your time and steal you away.

Shaking your head free of Steven, you turned up your radio to continue your studies, jotting down your notes from the current passage you're reading. Odds seems to be against you when the station you're listening to decides to play one of Steven's favorite songs.

Groaning in frustration, you shut off the radio, looking up at the your ceiling as you try to clear your thoughts of him, but everything seemed to remind you of Steven.

Time passes, and it shows that your thoughts of him aren't going anywhere anytime soon-your eyes close, feeling heavy with exhaustion, when you hear a clink!

Your eyes peel open, looking around your room with confusion. Did something fall?


You sit up from your chair, listening intently to hear where it's coming from.


It's coming from your window? But you're on the second floor! What could possibly be making that noise? You slowly approach your window, hesitantly reaching for your curtains, when you see a familiar silhouette shining through.

Parting your curtains, you come face to face with the one and only, "Steven?!" You exclaim, watching his face light up with glee, before he floats down to the ground with the use of his powers.

Sliding open your window, you watched as he launched himself into the air once more with a big leap, cheering your name as he becomes eye level with you. You laugh with adoration, watching as he scrambles to grab onto something, kicking his feet back and forth to keep himself afloat longer-but to no avail.

"What are you doing here?" You laugh, eyes following his every move as he jumps up again, leaning onto your propped hand with a smile. "I thought I should put my drivers license to good use and-" you grab onto his jacket, pulling him in close. "And what?" You ask, feeling giddy as you watched his face bloom with a pretty rose color, trying your best not to just kiss him right then and there as he tripped over his words.

"Go for a ride with me?"

You look away to hide your giddiness, wanting to keep up the facade a little longer, when your eyes catch the mess of books and papers on your study desk. You should really keep your stuff tidy.

Steven seems to take your lack of answer as hesitance, even though you had already made up your mind, and panicked for words to comfort you. "You don't have to, of course! I know you have your finals coming up and how important it is to you to finish your last year of high school strong-"

His insistent chatter comes to an abrupt stop with the help of a long over due kiss-Steven happily shutting up. "I'll be down in five."

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