✎ teen beach movie ⇢ falling for ya

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prompt: windy bluff high is putting on a musical, and what do you know? it just so happens to be brady's favorite

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prompt: windy bluff high is putting on a musical, and what do you know? it just so happens to be brady's favorite.

warning(s): cringe; meet-cute? (you know of each other but never interacted until now) abused italics for emphasis on their tone in dialogue; a little ooc

note(s): I don't even know where this came from, I hadn't watched the movie in a looong time. it just popped into my head. I thought it was super cute sooo <3

edited: 2/2/24
words: 2659


"Wet Side Story. A cheesy 60's rivalry musical between Surfer's and Bikers, who put their differences aside to save their beloved beach from being turned into a beach resort. A ridiculous plot with an even more ridiculous love story—but hey! At least their soundtrack has some bearable tunes!"

It was probably said by Mack once or twice, but she wouldn't dare admit the last part to Brady or anyone else who might know her. It wasn't something she couldn't be bothered to watch again, but for Brady? It was a whole different story.

To him, Wet Side Story was—is revolutionary. A test between "star crossed lovers". Would their love for another be the very thing the Surfer's and Bikers needed to work together? Or would it be the very thing that tears them apart? It was questions like these that raced across little Brady's mind that made him eager to find out over and over again.

Mack laughs incredulously. "I'm not watching that cheesy movie again." She rejects Brady idea for what seemed like the umpteenth time; it was a never ending argument that she fears will never be laid to rest as long as they lived. "I can't stand it!"

Brady throws his head back in annoyance, sighing exasperatedly, before following Mack down the hallway. "Why not? And don't even try to act you didn't like it! I heard you humming Surf's Up the other day." He grins triumphantly as her face drops in realization.

"You heard that?" She asks, but it wasn't to be answered. It was more said with disbelief, embarrassment, that she allowed herself to be caught by no other than Brady.

He nods, making her groan. "Sounded like you really enjoyed their fresh tunes." He teased, making her scoff and shove him out of the way of her locker.

"And so what if I found one song catchy? It doesn't defeat the fact that the story telling was weak!" She begins shoving her books carelessly into her locker, slamming the door shut to emphasize her statement. "Nothing, and I mean nothing, will make me sit through that again."

Brady raises a brow at her display, wondering if he could get away with a silly comment like "You should join the Drama Club with that scene you just put on", but he wasn't about to test his luck. "Not even if I offered to buy your lunch for a week?" Her stomach grumbles at her offer, making a tick of hope appear that maybe, just maybe, with the lack of lunch today, she'd give in.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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