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Luke come on bud we going to be late for the fireworks.

Heading to Blake and Sams was our favorite place to be for the holidays. It has been a tradition since I could remember. Sitting on our surf boards in the ocean was peaceful. I made a lot of decision sitting out there.

Arriving to the place where my parents were married. Where Blake and Sam were married. It's like a family wedding chapel.

I had my first kiss at twelve on this beach. I had my first heartache on this beach. I also came here and cried when I found out at 17 I was going to be a father. My decision to continue onto UNC and when I made the decision between Charlotte and Chicago for the NBA. It all happened here.

It's also where Raydin and Noah fell in love when they were kids. It was name calling, jealously, fighting until one day I caught Noah and my sister kissing at the age of fourteen that she had found her one.

We all knew this and let them figure it out as they grew. To think my youngest sister is starting her senior year next month and will be attending school in California.

That was one of the worst phone calls hearing my mother sob, my sister screaming that it was her life and that Noah was also going to California. That turned into an even more shit show when Blake, Sam, and Noah showed up at the house and my father almost killed them. Bullet help me son. Please. My baby is leaving me. So being the only other man in the house I drove down immediately and calmed everyone down.

My sister was brilliant. At 17 she could easily have already graduated, but she wanted to stay with Noah. I didn't understand how someone could dictate their own life around someone else that wasn't a spouse or child. I still don't understand, but when raydin and Noah are together you can feel the love they share.

Yes I'm jealous of my baby sister. Who wouldn't be. She's going to become a doctor and I know she will be the best in the country when she's done. Noah is a football guru and is studying to become a lawyer. He is making sure if he doesn't make it pro at least he would have an excellent career.

So here I am sitting on my surf board with Luke in front of me waiting for the fireworks. He really is the light in my life. My reason for being the best I can be.

Tomorrow we leave with my parents to check out a few houses that the realtor has found. My mother has dealt with everything so far, but I'll have the final say in which home is best for Luke and I.

I told my mother I didn't want to go over $500k. So I'd have enough in the bank for a just in case. I've been lucky that Luke hasn't had any type of emergencies since he was born premature and hooked on drugs. Once again thank you Carrie for being such a waste. I'm just glad Luke is all me.

Daddy. I'm hungry.

We paddle back to shore with Luke on my back laughing as the water splashes us when a wave comes. The first thing we did was teach him to swim. And he has made it his mission to become a surfer when grown. Even if I'd like him to do something safer I'd never tell my child he couldn't live his dream.

I wasn't brought up that way.  Both my parents lived their dreams. Rhyker is living her dream Traveling making millions singing with her angelic voice. She could've been a model, but she chose her voice over her looks. She's one of the most humble people I know.

Being a twin we've always gravitated to each other. We always knew when the other was needed. Always knew when to push each other's buttons and also loved each other fiercely. She was the first person to know about the fiasco with Carrie. She knew everything about me.

Bullet we have a hotel suite booked for a week. The realtor said we have four houses to look at and that one of them will be the one you are looking for.

I hope so. I need to get us settled before he starts school in a few weeks.

Daddy will I make friends? I like friends.

Yeah bud you are going to make so many friends. I promise.

Do you know where these houses are located? Have you seen photos of them?

No son, but I have faith in her. I don't know what it is, but from the email corespondents she seems lovely.

Mom. Don't start. I'm not looking to date okay. And she is probably old, ugly, and married.

We will see.

Come on son let's get to bed before GiGi plans my life before I even know what to do.

Am I going to finally live with you all the time? I miss you daddy a lot.

I miss you too son. I'll be home with you as long as I'm not playing away games. You'll come to the games and GiGi or pawpaw will be there during those times. Or possibly a nanny.

What's a nanny?

It's someone who watches kids when their parents are unable to be there. They love you and take care of you when I can't.

Okay. Will she be nice?

I promise son. She will be the best. For the best son in the world.

I love you Luke. I'll see you in the morning.

Love you daddy.

God I hope this works out and my son doesn't have to be away from me. I don't know if I could continue my dream if my son wasn't apart of it.

It's time to set up roots. Not just for him. For me as well

 For me as well

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