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When we arrived in Wilmington at my childhood home I couldn't believe it.

Ria, Raydin, Rhyder, Logan, Uncle Sam and Uncle Blake with Noah, Kay ce and Lucille were all their. Everyone was here to support us.

I couldn't believe this was happening. If you would've asked me 5 months ago if I'd be in love with two kids and a fine ass woman I would've laughed in your face.

Bullet you and the guys are staying at the beach house while ya girls stay here.

So off you go...

What the hell!!!!!

We arrive at the beach house and I finally realize why we get stuck here. We have to decorate the archway and make sure dining area is set up.

Since it's a spur of the moment I am wearing khaki shorts with a white button down shirts while Luke will wear a blue button down shirt with khaki shorts. My father decided he would wear Khaki shorts with a black button down since he will be walking Lacey down the aisle. Our daughter Blaire will be in a blue tutu dress my mother bought her when she picked up Laceys wedding dress.

Did I tell you that everyone planned this behind my back. If not I just did.

Seriously the cake is already here and everything.

When I woke the next day I was excited to be married. I showered, shaved, and got Luke ready. Our ceremony is starting in two hours and I'm so ready.

Last night I wrote my own vows and I hope Lacey likes them. We will see shortly as I was told to go stand outside on the beach so the wedding can start soon.

My hands are sweaty and my family is sitting in the few chairs we have. Since this is where everyone gets married and I don't really have any real friends this is all that matters.

My mom hits play on her phone and the speakers start to play a wordless soft song and I see Luke come out looking all handsome and then Lacey throwing her white flowers while she stands with Luke.

Then the music changes and I know it instantly. It's a song my sister wrote when we were 15 and promised whoever was the first to marry this song would be played for the bride. This means so much to me.

Not only is Lacey the most beautiful woman I've ever seen, but Rhyder is my bestest friend. I wink at her as she winks back and I just stare at my future wife walking towards me.

Even my dad looks rather handsome while he smiles so brightly walking down the aisle.

We go through the ceremony and it's now time for the vows:

Lacey I have loved you since the moment I laid my eyes on you. I have loved Blaire as my own and will continue to do so. Our relationship has moved quickly, but in the Pierre family us men don't wait long to declare our vow to our women. I promise to love you, to be faithful to you, to care for you, to argue and make up with you. I can't promise you life will always be easy, but it will be worth it. I love you today, tomorrow and the rest of forever.

Rhyker I wouldn't say I loved you since hello, but it was close. Being apart of this family means more to me than anything life could offer. Family means the world to me and I will cherish you and our children for the rest of my life. I will never take our life for granted and look to our future with more kids running around. Since you did buy a big enough house for two more. I love you for all that I am til death takes me away.

You may kiss the bride.

I kissed my wife like it was the air I needed to breathe because she was all I would ever need in a woman and I've not even had a taste. Oh how I can't wait to show her how much I love her.

We do our first dance to tangled in you by Staind. While everyone watches. Out the corner of my eye I see Rhyker and Logan dancing and I know she's humming and mouthing the song so he can hear it.

I haven't gotten to know Logan much, but I have a feeling I need to have the brother / future husband chat. I know the look he has. He's looking at Rhyder like I look at Lacey.

Man dad and mom are about to be down kids and getting grandkids.

Ria is sitting with Uncle Blake and her boyfriend of two years Alex. Ria has stated over and over again she has no intentions of marriage or kids in the near future. At 20 I don't blame her she's being scouted for the WNBA and her boyfriend is going to the Olympic Trials for track. I can't wait to see where life takes them.

All I know. Is this life that I have now. Is one I'll always remember.

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