| The Mage Tribe |

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{| WOMEN |}
The women tend to consist of witches and Evokers, they're the ones who taught Forest basically all the magic she knows. It is the women who are in control of all the logistics and lead in the Mage tribe.

The womens clothing is normally long drab gowns or robes that are usually a browny colour or a green.
They always have a long black satin cloak that brands their flag on the back, representing their loyalty.

{| MEN |}
The men usually consist; Vindicators, Pillagers, Ravagers, Ravager Jockeys and Vexes, the also control strays and phantoms, occasionally having husks too. The men of the Mage Tribe tend to be on the front line of raids and attacks. It was the men that taught Forest how to fight.

The mens clothing is a basic white dress shirt, tucked into brown leather trousers, armour worn over top and spears usually strapped to their back.
They will always wear a gold medallion with the flags print out on it, representing their loyalty.

    When the Mage Tribe travelled to the End, they didn't aspire to collect anything but more creatures to join, but once they found the EnderDragon away from her post, leaving an Egg unguarded, they couldn't help but steal the egg, the men didn't expect it to hatch, as it was in a colder climate in the overworld, but the brains of the Tribe (The Evokers) got the witches to form a cauldron of lava, and place the egg in it, in hopes of hatching it.
    When the egg did hatch, everyone had expected it to be an EnderDragon baby, so when two endskinned human babies were there instead, the Mages thought this the perfect thing. Using the childrens peculiar abilities formed them to be perfect weapons, beginning to lead the front line, growing to be a perfect leaders, until they turned 13, Almond had never enjoyed being in the Mage Tribe, and was usually thrown in the cellar for trying to get away, or for fighting with the leaders, one time, with a hand of his sister, he broke out of the cell and ran, after a week had passed, Almond did not return for his sister as he promised, and whilst on the way back from one of the Tribes raids, his body was found, hanging from a tree branch. Not long after a boy from the Kogarashi Kingdom, whom appeared to only be the age of 10 or under, was taken and locked up, it was a well known fact that the Mage Tribe hated the Kogarashi, but why take a little boy? Forest helped the boy escape and a year later left the Tribe. It was no surprise when she would get attacked by a Phantom in the night, or a Stray try to kill her, she met another kid, around her age, Nainx, he called himself, she also met, Georgraphy, Noana and loads of other people, Nainx, being the chiefs son, let Forest stay for a while, and being a bit older, took her under his with for awhile, not long after she turned 15, the small boy she had met 2 years earlier, stumbled across the Lost Village of Nayama, with the news of Kogarashi Kingdoms fall.
    When Forest turned 16, she left Nainx' safe town, ready to start her own country, ready to take down the Mage Tribe, meeting.. A what?

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