Chapter One.

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Scrolling through Instagram was not something I wanted to be doing right now. I didn't plan on spending my whole summer break on social networks but I literally had no friends this year. I laughed at the thought. 

Every friend that I thought I had, left me for some reason. They either switched up, I switched up, or we both switched up and both held the blame. Either way, I wasn't going to make an effort in a friendship when they obviously don't want me around. 

I plan on making my junior year interesting though. I'm switching schools this year, meaning I only know two people at the high school I'm going too. And one I'm not even all that cool with. We had issues in ninth grade that's hard to shake off. She disrespected me by telling my business but it's been two years and we did used to be close. I suppose I can forgive her sooner or later. 

I continued scrolling down the home page when Jiggy, my Yorkie, decided that it was a good time to lift his leg on the brown chair we had sitting in the living room.

"Stop!" I get up and immediately take him outside. "You don't do that inside!" 

I've had him for about a month now and he still hasn't broken out the habit of peeing on furniture. I sighed and sat down on the patio chair. My phone was still in my hand and I realized I almost dropped it on the concrete. 

Instagram was still up and I seen a To Be Honest post from this guy I've seen before. I used to see him all the time at the skating rink in middle school. His hair and style stood out the most about him at the time. He had really tall and colored hair which wasn't bad looking on him and his style wasn't like other guys, it was different. 

I remember my friend tried setting us up together. She went up to him and pointed to me but that's when I skated to the restroom and didn't come back out until she came to get me. It was embarrassing, really. I had on these really bright neon pink pants that made me look like a highlighter. I didn't know how to do my hair and it looked really thin and disgusting. In all honesty, I just looked horrible and disgusting in all ways. 

After debating for about five minutes, I finally liked the picture. I wonder if he remembered me. Just then, Jiggy ran up to me and hopped on me. I figured he was done and I took him inside. 

Checking the time, I realized I had another hour or so until my mom came home. She worked from seven to seven and I usually had four hours alone until she came back home. I didn't mind being home alone though, I enjoy being alone. The quietness in the house relaxed me and made me feel at peace even when I'm at a bad point in my life. 

I was about to turn on Netflix on my Ps4 when my phone went off indicating that I had an Instagram notification. It was a Direct Message from that guy. 

Tbh: you're pretty asf. and you seem cool, hmu. don't be a stranger. 

I smiled. 

kik or number?

I waited for a second for him to respond.

what's your number?

I commented my number and waited for him to text me. It took him about ten minutes or so to text me. 

843-123-9182: Hey

Me: helloooo.

843-123-9182: This Julian btw lol. 

Me: well hello julian. i'm kendall. 

We started texting reguarly. Most of it was small chit-chat; making conversation from "Wyd". Then he asked to play 21 Questions. I was never a big fan of 21 Questions, really. I always felt like it was an opportunity for the guys to ask sexual questions. 

As I was going to reply, the front door opened and Mom stood there with grocery bags all in her hands. "What time is it?" I asked her.

"Around seven-thirty. Why? Gotta be somewhere?" she replied jokingly.

I laughed in response, "I just didn't realize it was already seven. I thought it was still five." Have I really been texting Julian for about two hours already? "Need help with the bags?"

"Please," she said while walking into the kitchen. "I brought you snacks and frozen dinners."

My mom doesn't like me cooking when she isn't here. She still feels as if I'm twelve and will burn down the house if I cook something simple like scrambled eggs and sausage. "Mom, I'm sixteen. I can cook on the stove."

"I don't want you to burn yourself or anything else in the house," she said in all seriousness.

"In a year or so, I'll be in college. Living away from home and I'll have to cook." 

"But that's your apartment and not my house."

I sighed and laughed a little bit, "Whatever, Mother." I started helping putting up all the snacks she'd bought. Most was things like Debbie Cakes and chips while the other things were things like bottled water and Lean Cuisines. "Jiggy peed on the chair again."

"Imma kill that dog, I swear."

Mom never really did like dogs. After our other dog passed away last year, she didn't want another one but my dad and I disobeyed her and got Jiggy. Of course he's not the best dog in the world and I totally miss Abigail, which was my old dog, and I know no dog will replace her but Jiggy will have to do for now. 

"Don't say that. You love him," I tease.

"Just like he'll love my foot up his ass."

I laughed, "Mom... stop." At that moment, I realized I never texted Julian back. You first, I replied and waited for a text back. "I'm going to be outside on the porch. Come outside with me whenever you get ready."

I decided to take a seat on the porch. It's been raining a lot recently and today was one of the few days where it was sunny and hot. It was the perfect day, really.

Julian: I'll start simple. Favorite color?

Me: blue. most terrifying moment?

He texted me this long paragraph about how he was walking around the neighborhood with his friend and this pit bull jumped the fence, chasing them around. He claimed how he jumped fences and hopped on things to get away.

We went back and forth for a while and we both did simple questions and it didn't really get freaky until the end. 

Julian: Freakiest thing you've ever done?

I'm not a freaky person at all. I haven't done anything sexual, honestly. In sixth grade, I almost lost my virginity to my friend's friend. It was a horrible moment, really. I didn't though. I stopped and walked out, I wasn't going to let them pressure me. I always said my first time was going to be special with someone I love.

I told him the story and he didn't really say anything too unexpected. I asked him the same question though and realized he hadn't done anything either except for finger a few girls here and there. 

I felt as we kept going back with these questions, he kind of opened up to me. And in a way, it felt really good to have a good conversation with someone new.




a/n - herro! so guys this story is based off of true events. obviously things will be changed and altered. such as age, names and everything else but um, yeah. enjoy my drama filled year of high school. btw, this is all started last summer and still going on so i'm just going to go off of memory and hopefully remember every detail lol. 

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