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The sky outside was dark and the wind was houling loudly as the rain crashed against the facade of the hotel. Meredith laid in bed starring out of the window where she couldn't see much but pitch-black clouds. And flashes. And after a particular bright one there was an enormous loud thunderclap that made her flinch, hiding under the blanket as she pressed her eyes shut. Suddenly she felt a hand around her waist, pulling her closer.

"You okay?" Nick asked from behind her, spooning her now. "I'm fine, go back to sleep." She replied quickly. "You just flinched." He said concerned. Another loud thunder crashed in the sky making Meredith jump again as she tried to burry herself into Nick whom was tightening the grip around her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" he asked as she whimpered. "I'm fine." She whispered, trembling in his arms. "You can tell me Meredith." Nick said. "Are you scared of the thunder?" he then asked after a few seconds of silence. "No. That would be an unreasonable and entirely stupid fear." She replied, her voice a little shaky.

"Every fear is reasonable Meredith and none of them is stupid, it's okay that you're scared." He replied, holding her close. Another loud thunder made Meredith flinch once again and she admitted quietly: "I don't like thunders very much."

"That's okay, you don't have to be embarrassed about it. Everyone has fears." Nick soothed her, pressing a kiss into her hair. "Try to relax a little." He said as her tension started to fade a little and she seemed to calm down while being in his protective arms. Suddenly there was another extremely loud thunder crashing in the dark sky and Meredith flinched again as she started to cry quietly. "Shh, it's okay. You're totally safe here, nothing is going to happen." He tried to reassure her while continuing to put small kisses onto her neck and cheek.

"Close your eyes, everything's okay." He whispered, trying to help her fall asleep again. She closed her eyes as told and tried to concentrate on Nick's voice as he kept talking. "Nothing is going to happen. It'll be over soon. Try to get some more sleep."

And it helped. She was already exhausted from working for Dr. Hamilton who could sometimes act like a little child throwing a tantrum. So, with Nick holding her and whispering soothing things into her ear she soon fell asleep. Safe and protected in her boyfriend's arms.

I hope you like the little Mernick one shot. =)

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